To the Editor,
The Vultures have come home to roost in the decomp laden Tea Party nest. All over the nation, Republicans are dismayed that their party could nominate Trump. Have they been asleep? The violence loving "Mein Trumpf" is just what the right wing GOP deserves. In Utah, Mormons are so offended by Trump, they plan on voting for Hillary Clinton. Utah would go blue in November in a landslide. Bloomberg reports of a passionate and disgusted many who may leave the party altogether. These same people say they will not even vote third party because they want him demolished. Monmouth polling has found that 10% of Ohio Republicans and 9% of those in Michigan plan on voting for Hillary if Trump is nominated. Rock the Vote has found that if it comes down to Clinton and Trump, even the Sanders millennials will flock to Clinton.
Right down the street from the White House, a secret meeting held 5 days ago came to the demoralizing answer to stopping Trump: Hillary Clinton. Even the right wing Daily Caller, cited Joe Scarborough as saying "“I am shocked by how many Republicans, that have always voted Republican, that have said they’re going to vote for Hillary if it’s Cruz or Trump running against Hillary." Bret Baier of Fox News noted the same. None of this is actually news except to those who live under a rock. Trump and Cruz represent all that is wrong with today's GOP. The Hill reported that over 30% of Republican voters would consider a third party vote over Trump. Back in October a Quinnipiac poll found Hillary's lead over Trump was padded by 10% of Republicans.
Last week, A USA Today poll found that 25% of Republicans would defect to the Democratic Party and 10% would stay home on election day if Trump is nominated. Bit harsh! It also agreed with Rock the Vote that Millennials will flock to Clinton if Trump is nominated. Trump is Clinton's solution for her Millennials problem.
Can you say President Hillary Clinton, Steve Earle? How about you, Don Ewing, Tony Boutin and Russ Wiles? Let me sing you all a song in Schadenfreude.
James Veverka
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