Published in the Laconia Daily Sun 5-27-2016
To the editor,
Rest assured that nobody but those in the neo-fascist bigot bubble thinks any of Steve Earle's anti-Muslim rants are anything more than logical fallacies, false equivalencies and outright ignorance. Mein Trumpf has recently gotten some backlash from the US Congress regarding all the fascist hate speech.
According to, "The Freedom of Religion Act of 2016 amends the Immigration and Nationality Act to include a new SEC. 220. PROHIBITION ON DENYING ADMISSION BECAUSE OF RELIGION that reads ‘‘Notwithstanding any other provision of the immigration laws, an alien may not be denied admission to the United States because of the alien’s religion or lack of religious beliefs.’’ The bill has about 50 co-sponsors.
I have always believed that the right wing's worst enemy is their mouths. Thanks Steve, old pal! About 2000 refugees have been settled so far and Obama's goal is 10,000. This goal will be reached, although national security experts from several administrations suggest raising the goal to 100,000 because our vetting process is much better than any other country's. Keep screaming, Steve!
James Veverka
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