Monday, October 3, 2016

The Constitution Formed a Secular and Religion-Neutral Civic Society

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun 9-26-2016

To The Daily Sun,

Bob Meade is incorrect. He is wrong about the purpose of the First Amendment. The First Amendment didn't just ensure there would be no state-run religion, but ensured there would be no religion-run state.

Thomas Jefferson understood the First Amendment as establishing a secular, religion-neutral republic. To the Danbury Baptists he wrote, "I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between church and state."

Now Mr Meade may think he knows more than Jefferson and maybe he thinks he knows better than James Madison, too, the "father of the Constitution." Mr. Madison reminisced years after the Philadelphia miracle when he wrote to Robert Walsh, dated March 2, 1819, stating, "The civil government, though bereft of everything like an associated hierarchy, possesses the requisite stability, and performs its functions with complete success, whilst the number, the industry, and the morality of the priesthood, and the devotion of the people, have been manifestly increased by the total separation of the church from the state." Notice Madison stresses separation of the church — from — the state.

Article Six of the Constitution is actually the precursor of the establishment clause of the First Amendment (Jefferson's Virginia Religious Liberty law of 1786 is its precursor). It states, after requiring an oath or affirmation to support the Constitution, "no religious test shall ever be required as a qualification to any office or public trust under the United States." In fact, the statement, "so help me God" is not in the constitutional oath of office for the president. It's English tradition — an anachronism.

Supreme Court Justice Joseph Story authored the major work, "Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States" in 1833 and said this about the ban on religious tests: "The remaining part of the clause declares, "No religious test shall ever be required, as a" qualification to any office or public trust, under the "United States." This clause is not introduced merely for the purpose of satisfying the scruples of many respectable persons, who feel an invincible repugnance to any religious test, or affirmation. It had a higher object; to cut off forever every pretense of any alliance between church and state in the national government. The framers of the Constitution were fully sensible of the dangers from this source, marked out in the history of other ages and countries; and not wholly unknown to our own. They knew, that bigotry was unceasingly vigilant in its stratagems, to secure to itself an exclusive ascendancy over the human mind; and that intolerance was ever ready to arm itself with all the terrors of the civil power to exterminate those, who doubted its dogmas, or resisted its infallibility."

Maybe Mr. Meade knows more than Justice Story, too. As you can see above, Justice Story was concerned with the same things found in Mr. Vervaeke's statement, "Violence by religion is the reason why we have a separation of church and state in this country." So did James Madison in his "Memorial and Remonstrance against Religious Assessments" of June 1785, which laid waste to Patrick Henry's bill to have the State of Virginia support Christian teachers.

It is clear that Mr. Meade believes in the revisionist history of the Christian right wing but the courts don't see it his way at all. Furthermore, the Treaty of Tripoli, unanimously ratified by the U.S. Senate in 1798, is something the Christian right would like to make disappear. Article 11 states, "As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian religion — as it has in itself no character of enmity against the laws, religion or tranquility of Musselmen — and as the said states never have entered into any war or act of hostility against any Mehomitan nation, it is declared by the parties that no pretext arising from religious opinions shall ever produce an interruption of the harmony existing between the two countries."

Yes, Mr. Meade, this is what is taught in high schools and universities around the nation and the globe. The only place where your one way wall doctrine is taught is in private religious schools and universities that embrace the historical revisionism of the Christian right.

James Veverka

Harm Reduction Policies Reduce Abortions. Bans Don't

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun 9-16-2016

To the Editor,

Well, well, well, the hornets are out but they still have no stingers. It is certainly interesting how conservatives missed the point of my letter (aside from some obligatory trolling and kicking over a nest). What I said about the rights of the fetus was not made up by me but was based on the rulings of the United States Supreme Court since 1973. Did someone miss that? When people start yelling murderers and killers, there is no reason to be polite. Playing hardball is necessary. Personhood laws have all been struck down by the courts. Did you miss that? I didn't make those court rulings. I also don't see any ovens burning given it has been the law of the land for 43 years. Personhood laws have been struck down by the courts in Oklahoma, Colorado, and North Dakota. Personhood amendments in several states never got enough signatures to appear on the ballot.  Although Mississippi's initiative did make the ballot in November of 2011, it failed 59 to 41 percent. No ovens in Mississippi yet.

Russ Wiles seems to think its good that liberal views are out there. Well, we agree since we have always won culture war battles in the end due to our voices. Look how bad the right failed on marriage equality. They may rely on their barbaric old religions of middle eastern desert tribes to enable their bigotry and patriarchy but they still lost. 

What the right wing is clueless about is why they fail so miserably to legislate women's bodies no matter how obtusely accusative they get (murderers!). Nobody wants there to be abortions. Nobody is pro-abortion and right wingers are certainly not pro-life given that they vote for politicians more apt to value war, the death penalty, cutting food stamps and welfare for poor families, oppose equal rights for all, teach abstinence-only magic dust, and attack open access to contraceptives and healthcare. The Republican Party platform is an anti-family, anti-worker, anti-science basket of manure and if you vote Republican you are not really pro-life or pro-people

The only way abortion can be addressed to end the vain war on abortion itself and increase access to reproductive healthcare, family planning, sex-ed, and contraception. Abortions and teen pregnancies are at all time lows now and it has nothing to do with extreme right wing policies. Increased access to family planning and contraceptives is what has brought us to the record low in abortions and teen pregnancies. UPI ran an article last week that reported "Declines in rates of teen pregnancy and birth in the United States are being driven entirely by significant increases of contraceptive use, researchers at the Guttmacher Institute report in a study published in the Journal of Adolescent Health." On the other hand, Slate reported, "one 2015 study found that between 1.7 and 4.1 percent of the state’s [Texas] women aged 18 to 49 have attempted to self-terminate a pregnancy using herbs, teas, vitamins, caffeine, alcohol, drugs, abdominal trauma, or a medical abortion pill (misoprostol) obtained on the black market or from a Mexican pharmacy. The [Google] searches Stephens-Davidowitz analyzed reveal other specific, disturbing methods: in that there were more than 700,000 Google searches looking into self-induced abortions in 2015. The 700,000 searches included about 160,000 asking how to get abortion pills through unofficial channels—searches like “buy abortion pills online” and “free abortion pills." 

Listen righty, we all want there to be fewer unplanned pregnancies and abortions but your way of freaking out (murderers!) is going nowhere. Making up lies about Planned Parenthood ended up increasing support. Thank you! If you really are pro-life you need to change your ways and start supporting harm reduction policies. The war on drugs is just like the war on abortion. Its can't be won your way. Harm reduction policies are the way to go. Voting for politicians that don't even oppose abortion in the cases of rape, certain death of the mother, and incest is madness. Anti-choice laws don't stop abortion. They are not pro-life because they make it far more dangerous and danger doesn't stop people, does it? The Washington Post has reported that defunding Planned Parenthood would actually increase abortions. AP reported in 2015, "Nearly six in 10 Americans — 58% — now think abortion should be legal in most or all cases," so Harry's numbers are wrong. Sorry about those facts, kids

James Veverka

TRAP Abortion Laws Unconstitutional

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun 9-6-2016

To the Editor,

A Fetus is not a separate individual. It is not a separate person therefore the rights of a fetus do not override the rights of a women who decides to terminate her pregnancy for whatever reason she chooses. If a fetus were a separate life, it would be entitled to the rights we all enjoy. But it is part of another's biological system and the owner of that biological system has the right to decide that system's present and future state. It is not up to any other biological system (or set of ovaries) to decide for her.

A fetus does not have the right to negatively impact a women's health, her career, her family's economic status, or her's life plan in any way. It is ironic that the majority of these forced birth activists are the same crackpots that want to deprive a poor family of assistance after an unplanned pregnancy. At the same time they want to restrict access to contraception and healthcare. Some holier-than-thou lunatics even want to ban contraception. These are the crazed religious fools that will fight to the death for a fetus and then attack welfare and food stamps benefits for these mothers (or murder an abortion provider).

With fundamentalist crazies, its okay for born children to go without food, shelter, a good education, and healthcare. And the self-righteous sociopaths vote that way too. These are the same people that blame poor people for being poor when there are still fewer jobs than seekers. They are worthy of our deepest contempt. While religious nuts scream "murder" like they are jacked up on the psychotic juices of a their pathologically jealous, violent, murderous Biblical God with its horrid examples of genocide, cruel and unusual punishments, and of course, eternal torture, the US Supreme Court sides with a women's choice. When these psychos accuse people of murder, they also incite and legitimize violence which since 1977 has included hundreds of crimes including murder, assault, bombings, vandalism, and arson. And don't forget the phony edited videos which led to the murderous shooting rampage in Colorado this year.

Forced Birth activists have lost huge and will likely never recover after 2016. The US Supreme Court has struck down major TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Provider) laws as unconstitutional. TRAP laws are designed to ultimately infringe on the right of a woman to choose with sleazy underhanded get-around-the-law laws. And soon, there will be another choice friendly justice on the court after Hillary is inaugurated. This year the court has dealt severe blows to the religious fanatics of eleven states who craft laws to make it nearly impossible for women to even make her legal and constitutional choice. The Texas TRAP law is now blocked and that sets precedent. Ten more states with TRAP laws are now on the chopping block after the Texas decision. Six have been challenged in court already. The religious ninnies have lost just as the anti-gay religious bigots have. Oh, did I mention that five states have had their Voter ID laws blocked this year? Schadenfreude to you, democracy and liberty loathing wingnuts.

James Veverka

More Republicans Jumping Ship #3

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun 9-2-2016

To the Editor,

Donald Trump gave an immigration "policy" speech Wednesday. It did not go down well in conservative Latino circles. According to Politico, "Jacob Monty, a member of Trump’s National Hispanic Advisory Council has resigned", and Alfonso Aguilar, president of the Latino Partnership for Conservative Principles, "is inclined to pull his support." Mr Monty lamented, "What I heard today was not realistic and not compassionate.” Mr Aquilar agreed; "did you hear anything in that speech that was compassionate and humane? No."

On Wednesday, another Republican chose country over party. Richard W. Painter, George W. Bush's former chief White House ethics lawyer wrote in a NY Times Op-ed that Hillary Clinton is the "only qualified candidate in the race and she should become president." According to Politico, Painter advised "the Democratic nominee to do more to assuage the fears and suspicions about the looming presence of the Clinton Foundation as an influence on policy". Now a University of Minnesota law professor, he was also clear on the Clionton Foundation, writing, "There is little if any evidence that federal ethics laws were broken by Mrs. Clinton or anyone working for her at the State Department in their dealings with the foundation. Unfortunately, the foundation is still fuel for Mrs. Clinton’s persistent critics."

Former top aide to retired General David Petraeus, retired Army Colonel Peter Mansour, is voting for Hillary Clinton because, "Donald Trump is not fit to be president". Mansour has said previously, "he would be a dangerous person in that office" where he would be a "foreign policy disaster for the United States." In fact, one recent headline was "Officials Worry About Briefing Trump, Fearing Spilled Secrets". Also on Wednesday, James Clad, the former deputy assistant secretary of defense under President George W. Bush endorsed Clinton, saying, "For Republicans and Democrats alike, everything in national security requires clarity and steadiness, whether managing nuclear weapons or balancing great power rivalries. Never losing sight of the national interest is key – a discipline which Secretary Clinton possesses in full measure." According to Mr Clad, Trump is "incompetent" and an "incoherent amateur" whose presidency "will doom us to second or third class status."

According to a HuffPost/YouGov survey just released, "Republican and Republican-leaning voters say by a 19-point margin, 54 to 35 percent, that Donald Trump wasn’t the best option in this year’s pool of candidates".  Really?

James Veverka

Republicans Jumping Ship #2

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun 8-25-2016

To the Editor,

Hillary Clinton is now ahead by nine in NH and six in Florida. She has opened up a six point lead in Ohio and John Kasich is MIA! GOP Maryland Governor Larry Hogan will not back Trump and Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson rightly calls him a fascist. GOP Senator Susan Collins penned an op-ed in the Washington Post on why she cannot support Trump. "My conclusion about Mr. Trump’s unsuitability for office is based on his disregard for the precept of treating others with respect, an idea that should transcend politics. Instead, he opts to mock the vulnerable and inflame prejudices by attacking ethnic and religious minorities...Mr. Trump lacks the temperament, self-discipline and judgment required to be president."

Former Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson endorsed Clinton in a Washington Post op-ed. "The GOP, in putting Trump at the top of the ticket, is endorsing a brand of populism rooted in ignorance, prejudice, fear and isolationism...I will not vote for Donald Trump. I will not cast a write-in vote. I’ll be voting for Hillary Clinton."

In an op-ed in, House Republican Richard Hanna wrote, "I found him profoundly offensive and narcissistic but as much as anything, a world-class panderer, anything but a leader...Secretary Clinton has issues...But she stands and has stood for causes bigger than herself for a lifetime. That matters...I will vote for Mrs. Clinton..I find Trump deeply flawed in endless ways."

This week, Bush’s Undersecretary of State for Public Diplomacy and founding director of the George W. Bush Institute endorsed Hillary Clinton. James Glassman stated Hillary is "by far the superior candidate. She has the experience. She’s got the character. She has the values. She is the kind of candidate I support and that, as I say, millions of republicans are supporting.” Retired Naval officer, Deputy Secretary of State under Bush, and assistant secretary of defense under Reagan, Richard Armitage is voting for Clinton. Armitage told Politico Trump "doesn't appear to be a Republican, he doesn't appear to want to learn about issues. So, I’m going to vote for Mrs. Clinton".

Brent Scowcroft, National Security Adviser to Presidents Gerald Ford and George H. W. Bush endorsed Clinton. "Secretary Clinton shares my belief that America must remain the world’s indispensable leader. She understands that our leadership and engagement beyond our borders makes the world, and therefore the United States, more secure and prosperous. She appreciates that it is essential to maintain our strong military advantage, but that force must only be used as a last resort." Clinton "brings deep expertise in international affairs, and a sophisticated understanding of the world", qualities "essential for the Commander-in-Chief." 

Mark Salter, John McCain's longtime Chief of Staff, is voting for Clinton. He described her as "an adult who understands the responsibilities of an American President". On the other hand, Trump "possesses the emotional maturity of a 6-year-old.".  We knew that.

James Veverka


Republicans Jumping Ship #1

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun 8-15-2016

To the Editor,

Before the GOP convention, Conservative Ben Domenech stated on Face the Nation, “A hundred and fifty years ago this party was begun by Abraham Lincoln on the idea that constitutional rights were not bound by race or creed,” he said. “That the American eagle’s wings were broad enough to accept all that would come here. Now, this party is coming to Cleveland to die.” Agreed.

It is superbly delicious to see Trump's demise actually accelerate when he denigrated an immigrant American Muslim family and its Gold Star Mother. Seven of ten said Trump crossed the line with the Kahns. The irony makes for an unprecedented level of gloat-and-glee. Republican Congressman and Air Force Veteran Adam Kinzinger is thoroughly repulsed over Trump's attacks on the Kahn family. “Donald Trump is beginning to cross a lot of red lines of the unforgivable in politics". Trump “throws all these Republican principles on their head” and “I’m an American before I’m a Republican”.

Last week, 50 Republicans with National security and foreign policy expertise going back decades signed a letter stating Trump “would be the most reckless president in American history”. The letter warned of Trump's "alarming ignorance" regarding international affairs. “From a foreign policy perspective, Donald Trump is not qualified to be president and commander-in-chief”. "Indeed, we are convinced that he would be a dangerous president and would put at risk our country’s national security and well-being." Many top conservative legal scholars agree. They point out that the damage Trump could do as President would far outweigh a SCOTUS appointment. They would rather have a liberal court than a Trump presidency.

California GOP strategist Rob Stutzman is one of Never Trump's leaders and plans on waiting it out while Trump loses. Jimmy Camp, adviser to many high profile candidates in California for 30 years left the GOP when Trump was nominated. Camp stated, “Donald Trump is a narcissistic, self-centered, unprincipled, miserable example of a human being". Former RNC spokewoman Valerie Walston left the party and announced her departure on Facebook with #NeverTrump

Longtime GOP strategist Mary Matalan left the GOP for the Libertarian Party and George Will declared the GOP is not his party. Lifelong Republican and Jeb Bush's top advisor Sally Bradshaw is leaving the GOP and will vote for Clinton in Florida. Bradshaw said the GOP was "at a crossroads and have nominated a total narcissist -- a misogynist -- a bigot."

Longtime Chris Christie advisor Maria Comella has defected and will vote for Hillary Clinton. Of the Mangled Apricot Hell-Beast she said, "Donald Trump has been a demagogue this whole time, preying on people's anxieties with loose information and salacious rhetoric, drumming up fear and hatred of the 'other'. I’m voting for Hillary Clinton in November and I’m voting for her because I don’t believe it’s enough to say you aren’t for Donald Trump.

Billionaire CEO of HP and longtime GOP megadonor Meg Whitman has endorsed Hillary Clinton. Whitman, who ran for Governor of California against Jerry Brown stated she cannot support a candidate who has "exploited anger, grievance, xenophobia and racial division. Donald Trump is unfit to be president".

Former US Senator Larry Pressler (R-SD) has endorsed Hillary Clinton. “This election is starting to sound like the German elections in [the late 1920s],” Pressler noted of Trump's rhetoric, “This is a very dangerous national conversation we’re slipping into.” Pressier, a Mormon, is sensitive about Trump's anti-Muslim rhetoric and the malevolent singling out of a religious group.

GOP writer and activist Chris Ladd recently resigned his GOP precinct committeeman position in Texas."From his fairy-tale wall to his schoolyard bullying and his flirtation with violent racists, Donald Trump offers America a singular narrative – a tale of cowards. Fearful people, convinced of our inadequacy, trembling before a world alight with imaginary threats, crave a demagogue. Neither party has ever elevated to this level a more toxic figure, one that calls forth the darkest elements of our national character. With three decades invested in the Republican Party, there is a powerful temptation to shrug and soldier on. Despite the bold rhetoric, we all know Trump will lose."

At the Democrat's convention, lifelong Republican and Reagan official Doug Elmets' message onstage was clear. “This year’s Republican platform is the most alarming I’ve ever seen. It’s laced with anti-immigrant, anti-gay, anti-women positions that do not represent the views of most Americans. That is why this year I will vote for a Democrat for the first time.”  Dittos on the party of bigots and anachronistsic ignoramuses.

But there is some good news for Steve Earle and Russ Wiles. David Duke, onetime Grand Wizard of the KKK is "thrilled" by Trump's candidacy and the American Nazi Party’s chair claimed that a Trump presidency would offer “a real opportunity” for white nationalists and the “pro-white” cause. A real opportunity!

James Veverka

For Bitter Conservatives, Progressive Change is the End of the World! So Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun
To the Editor,

When you read the letters of J.F. McCarthy, Russ Wiles, Steve Earle, Don Ewing, Linda Riley, and Tony Boutin you would think it was the end of the world and its time to place your head between your legs and kiss your world goodbye. Their letters are patently ridiculous and full of mind numbing pessimism and abject darkness. And that doesn't include the fact free nature they all are riddled with. Just like that liar and narcissistic sociopath, Herr Trumpfendoofus. Take J.F. McCarthy who said ISIS is Obama and Clinton's fault. Another lie. ISIS arose in 2004 anf adopted their name in 2006.

What a terrible world they see. They should crawl back under the rock they came from where their thin skin won't be disturbed. I feel sorry for them that their pathetic lives are so full of fear, hatred, ignorance, deceit, and bitterness. And they are the ones who back a GOP that has a party platform that is as divisive as any platform in the history of this nation; anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-women, anti-science and anti-American values of community and tolerance. With the dark and gloomy GOP, its all about dividing America and placing the blame on people with different religions, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or place of origin. Yet it it they who nominated a divisive fascist to prove themselves worthy of that divisive and fascist label. 

James Veverka
