Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Monumental Victories for Progressives in 2015 12-28-2015

To the Editor,

Happy New Year, everyone. Year 2015 has been a tough year for the world but a year of monumental victories for progressives and a disastrous one for tea party radicals, gun-nuts, and religious conservatives. Topping the list are the Supreme Court's recognition of marriage equality nationally and Obamacare's big win.

The rate of the uninsured has dropped below 10 percent for the first time in decades. In a series of scalding decisions, the NRA's agenda was burned when the high court rejected their appeals regarding banning assault styled weapons (Highland Park), trigger locks and locked up firearms (SF), and taxing gun purchases for gun violence research (Seattle). The Highland Park decision also portends badly for any more appeals regarding Maryland's semi-auto and high capacity clips ban which was upheld by 4th Circuit.

In environmental issues, the EPA issued new clean energy rules, the Paris Climate Summit was a success and the Pope trolled the science deniers like a pro. President Obama rejected the Keystone Pipeline and legislation against Oil trains in urban areas started in Seattle. In North America, the Canadian Tar sands and coal mines took big hits. Fracking is also a hot political issue throughout the Americas due to methane release and contaminated water. Where possible, coal mines are being shut down worldwide. The Kellingley Colliery, Britain's largest deep coal mine shut down. One of Australia's oldest, the Jindal Steel and Power mine shut down. In New South Wales, Australia, the Armidale mine shut down for good. In Germany, Siemens CEO gave up on German fossil fuel plants. Exxon was outed by investigations as knowing the dangers of climate change since 1981 but obscuring the truth for profit and maintaining the status quo.

In matters of reproductive rights, courts struck down unconstitutional abortion laws in North Dakota, Wisconsin, Idaho, and Alaska. Ohio and Kansas are being sued and the new Texas laws have been put on hold until heard by the Supreme Court which will likely be decided 5-4, striking down the law. Remember the Ladies.

In international matters, the Iran nuclear deal paved the way for a more peaceful world, brushing aside the shrieking hysterics of the right wing warmongers who are fighting over who to invade next. And oh yeah, Kim Davis went to jail for refusing to do her job and Indiana's discriminatory religious law was trashed by the entire nation thereby embarrassing the State. Stay tuned for 2016 when a Democrat will be elected to the Presidency and the US Senate may well return to the Democrats, thus insuring the appointment of no right wing justices.

Ordinary Muslims Are Horrified by the Violence 12-22-2015

To the Editor,

Anna Derose has written a string of  letters that are truly tragicomical. Anna thinks Bernie is a Communist. Anna thinks Trump is rational. Anna gets mad if she sees a Muslim woman with her hair covered. Anna gets mad if you don't say Merry Christmas. Ms DeRose wants to know where the Muslims are that condemn terrorism. Well, they are everywhere if because they are most of them. Millions of Muslims are silent because they too are terrified of the militias, the fanatics, and the authoritarian religious governments. They are in prisons because they question conservative religious authorities. They have been murdered by radicalized Muslims by the thousands. Assassinations abound. Unsolved murders are the norm. Their families have been threatened so they can only whisper their dissent. The bravest of people can be reduced to nothing with threats against their loved ones and friends.

According to the UN, in the first eight months of 2014, ISIS killed 9,347 Syrian and Iraqi civilians and wounded 17,386. ISIS targeted any and all religioous minorities but the majority were Muslims. By now the number may be 30,000 killed but nobody really knows the number for sure. Suicide bombings have killed mostly Muslims so 'ordinary' Muslims are terrified far more than we are. Wouldn't you be? If you are of the Shia sect, a radical Sunni may bomb your Mosque as you worship and vica versa. The sectarian violence between Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims has claimed tens of thousands of Muslim lives since Islam split into the Shia and Sunni sects centuries ago. Sectarian violence is nothing new. Europe had a horrific period of sectarian wars (1524-1648) which began around the Reformation. An estimated 7.8 million people perished between 1618 and 1648 alone. It was a true holocaust ignited by religious strife. In that same period of sectarian violence, Protestants burned alive 40,000-60,000 people for not being properly Christian.

So where are the moderate Muslims that dare speak out? Since 9/11 there have been over a hundred Fatwas issued against terrorism. A Fatwa is a legal pronouncement issued by an expert or experts in Islamic law.
Due to limitations I can't list all of the important Fatwas and declarations against terrorism but I will present some examples. The latest major Fatwa was issued last week when almost 70,000 Muslim clerics (like pastors) came together to pass a Fatwa against global terrorist organizations including the Taliban, al Qaeda and ISIS. According to The Times of India, almost 1.5 million attendees signed a document protesting global terrorist activity at the annual gathering of South Asian Sunni Muslims. This year, the Islamic Supreme Council of Canada, along with 37 other Muslim leaders of various sects across Canada issued a Fatwa from Calgary condemning followers of  ISIS as non-Muslims. Last year more than 120 Muslim scholars from around the world wrote an open letter to the “fighters and followers” of ISIS and denounced them as un-Islamic. On September 11, 2013, 165 Somali religious leaders concluded a 5 day National Conference on Extremism in Mogadishu by issuing a fatwa condemning al-Shabaab.

In 2013, Muslim Scholars of the Sunni Ittehad Council in Pakistan issued a collective Fatwa against suicide bombings, the killing of innocents, bombings, and targeted killings declaring them as forbidden. In 2011, the 512 page "Fatwa on Terrorism and Suicide Bombings" was published by Minhaj-ul-Quran Publications declaring terrorism and suicide bombings are unjust and evil. In 2008, 6,000 Ulama Islamic scholars in India endorsed a Fatwa that declared that all forms of terrorism are against the spirit of Islam. In 2005. Spanish Muslims proclaimed a fatwa against Osama Bin Laden. Issued by Mansur Escudero Bedate, Secretary General of the Islamic Commission of Spain, it decrees that Bin Laden and "his" al-Qaeda had abandoned their religion and should thus be called "al-Qaeda terrorists" without using the adjective "Islamic". Also in 2005, the Fiqh Council of North America, issued a Fatwa against providing support to "terrorist" groups that make up their own rules by unjustifiably referring to Islam.

The facts are not going to influence bigots much but most will see that the ordinary Muslim is just as horrified as we are by the violence. They have suffered far more than we have. Happy Holidays, Anna, and I hope you soon have your hair covered as commanded in 1 Corinthians 11:6.

Bloody NRA Agenda Dealt a Fatal Blow by SCOTUS 12-10-2015

To the Editor,

The NRA's blood soaked anarchistic agenda has been dealt a fatal blow. On Monday, the US Supreme Court announced its refusal to hear an appeal of Highland Park's (Illinois) post-Sandy Hook assault styled weapons ban of 2013. By leaving the gun ban in place, this decision gives the green light to states and municipalities who wish to ban "dangerous and unusual weapons" (as stated in the Heller decision of 2008). The Heller decision acknowledged the right to self-defense but also acknowledged the right of states and municipalities to regulate firearms and ban the unusually dangerous ones. James McCoole neglected to mention this very crucial part when he brought up Heller recently. In June of this year, the Justices also refused to hear the NRA's case against a San Francisco law that requires gun owners to keep their firearms in a locked container or use a trigger lock. In another major case, Kolbe v. O’Malley, a federal judge ruled that Maryland could ban AR-15 and AK-47 type weapons and held that these weapons, "fall outside Second Amendment protection as dangerous and unusual arms".  It appears the Federal Judge purposely used Heller's words, "dangerous and unusual". With the high court refusing to hear the Highland Park appeal, it is likely the Maryland ban will also stand. Happy Holidays!

For the second time this year, Republicans blocked legislation that would help prevent people on U.S. terrorist no-fly watch lists from buying firearms and explosives. What the? This vote occurred at the same time the San Bernadino terrorist incident was under way. American-born al-Qaeda spokesmen Adam Yahiye Gadahn (Jihadi Joe) directed Islamists in a 2011 video, “America is absolutely awash with easily obtainable firearms. You can go down to a gun show at the local convention center and come away with a fully automatic assault rifle, without a background check, and most likely without having to show an identification card. So what are you waiting for?”

A six-page jihadist document obtained by The Violence Policy Center (VPC) found in Afghanistan, "How Can I Train Myself for Jihad?" also instructs would-be terrorists "on the advantages the United States offers for firearms training and advises readers on how to exploit them."  The booklet advises that in "some states of USA, South Africa, it is perfectly legal for members of the public to own certain types of firearms. If you live in such a country, obtain an assault rifle legally, preferably AK-47 or variations, learn how to use it properly and go and practice in the areas allowed for such training.  Respect the laws of the country you are in and avoid dealing in illegal firearms. One can learn to operate many arms legally, so there is no need to spend years in prison for dealing in small, illegal firearms. Learn the most you can according to your circumstances and leave the rest to when you actually go for Jihad."

This is a perfect terror strategy for soft targets in a country that is awash in guns, anti-government paranoia, and bizarre armed protests. It seems entirely possible that the San Bernadino terrorists planned their attack using this stealth tactic because they practiced shooting regularly at local gun ranges right up until a few days before the attacks. Even if these killers were on the terrorist watch list, they were able to obtain the weapons of mass murder they used. According to the Guardian, "records show that in the 10 years up to 2014 some 2,233 people on the terror watch list applied for a federal background check to buy guns or explosives, and of those 2,043 were allowed to proceed". Say what? The Bill sponsor Senator Diane Feinstein noted after the vote, "If you’re too dangerous to board a plane, you’re too dangerous to buy a gun”. But that is way too sensible for the gun nuts. Right wing gun laws make it easier for an unknown home grown jihadist or even one on the terrorist watch list to walk into a gun show, buy a semi-automatic with armor piercing bullets, and then proceed to a soft target and slaughter people. They also make it possible for any disgruntled employee to acquired weapons of mass killing and take down people just because of anger, differences, or perceived abuse. The need for better gun control is not just about terrorism because almost 10,000 Americans having a bad day shoot and kill other 10,000 Americans each year. And 20,000 shoot themselves each year while in some hellish mental state or cognitively impaired condition.

In March this year the GOP effectively killed a law banning cop-killing, armor piercing bullets for long guns like the AR-15 and AK-47. The San Bernadino shooters could have been legally armed with these green tipped bullets when it took 28 well armed cops to stop the rampage. Responders could have died. Its time to dump these dangerous fools called politicians that don't have anyone's interest in mind except special interests.

Republican Run States are the Poorest and the Biggest Moochers 11-19-2015

To the Editor,

I read with interest Marc Abear's letter on the economic freedom of states that rejected the expansion of Medicaid.. I have always found the laboratories of the States to be of great interest. I wonder what economic freedom really means, though. What can the states actually teach us? Firstly in a recent 2014 Wallet-Hub study, the top 14 of 15 "moocher" states turned out to be Republican run states.

This is because the feds have to make up the revenue shortfalls in Republican run states that keep wages low with right to work laws and have state income and corporate tax rates that are lower than the rest of the nation.  With less revenue collected due to this alleged "economic freedom", Republican controlled states receive inordinately more federal government provided revenue than states with higher tax rates.

These allegedly economically freer states receive a higher percentage of return for every dollar they paid in federal taxes. Moocher states are dependent on federal funding from other states that receive a lower percentage of return for their tax dollars to support their low taxes and "economic freedom".  In other words, the economic freedom of many Red states costs the rest of us who are more fiscally responsible with gathering revenues.

According to the  U.S. Census Bureau’s 2014 American Community Survey, the ten poorest states are Mississippi, WV, Arkansas, Alabama, Kentucky, Tennessee, Louisiana, NM, SC, and Montana. All but one (Alaska) of the richest states were Democrat controlled states. NH was seventh. Of the fourteen states with the highest unemployment rates, all but California and Oregon were Republican run states.

The ten least healthy states are Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Kentucky, OK, Tennessee,WV, Alabama, NC, Indiana. The ten healthiest states were mostly Blue states but Republican controlled Utah (no surprise), Nebraska, and North Dakota made the list. Of the top 6 states on Food Stamps, all but Oregon are Republican run states. In states that did not expand Medicaid, the obvious has happened. While the rate of uninsured people ages 19 to 64 living in poverty was 17% in Medicaid expanded states, the rate was 36% in states that didn't expand Medicaid as of June 2014. All but three of the least healthy states are states that did not expand Medicaid. West Virginia, Arkansas, and Kentucky want to get off that list. The twenty poorest states in income are all Republican run states and all but seven have refused to expand Medicaid. In matters of infant mortality rates, Red states once again dominate. This is also true of gun murder, obesity, STDs, divorce, high school dropout, teen pregnancy, and church attendance rates.

Not expanding Medicaid also costs lives because expanded coverage reduces mortality rates. But as we all know, the 'principles' of the tea party's version of capitalism are more important to TeaBilly than human lives . Except fetuses, that is.

Right Wing Christian Terrorist Attacks 11-30-2015

To the Editor, 

"Nobody panic, the shooter was a white guy!" goes the caption in a new cartoon of anti-immigrant protesters surrounding a bleeding victim. The recent right wing Christian terrorist attack on Planned Parenthood is another reminder of who the enemies of liberty really are here at home. They are the Jesus Jihadists and right wingers. It is without question that the terrorist attack on Planned Parenthood is rooted in tea party and extremist Christian propaganda. After being apprehended, the terrorist said, "no more baby parts". These are people that feel okay about murdering doctors or burning down a building for their God. They are no different than the lowest filth of ISIS. 

Since 1977, there have been 8 murders, 17 attempted murders, 42 bombings, 186 arsons, and thousands of incidents of criminal activity directed at Planned Parenthood - before the incident last weekend. Prominent fundamentalist Christians and right wing media like Fox are guilty of stochastic terrorism due to their fanning of the flames of jihadist Christian delusions. When Al Qaeda or ISIS make jihadist videos they are designed to incite hatred and violence. The same is true of right wing Christian extremists who create deceptive videos or who mindlessly call abortion murder.

It is not murder because a fetus is not a separate and independent being. Fetal rights do not trump the rights of the invested living. The invested living are those with goals to achieve, jobs to attend to, health to maintain, families to feed and clothe, cars to maintain, rent or mortgage to pay, and homes to heat. These are people with serious responsibilities and important networks to maintain and balance. 

Colorado Springs is a hotbed of right wing Christian extremism and crazed ammosexuals so its no surprise that some fundamentalist Christian jihadist would decide to kill some people for God. Last January a bomb went off near the city's NAACP offices. A right wing terrorist and racist act for sure. And on Halloween a man walking down the street with his gun shot dead a cyclist and two women sitting on their front porch. When someone notified the police earlier of the man, the person was advised that 'this is an open carry city, after all'. What demented fools you gun nuts are.

Are all Christians extremists? Of course not. Are all Muslims extremists? Of course not. There is an argument is that we can't let any Syrians in because ONE might be a bad seed. Well, gun crazies, why arent you using this argument regarding gun control to save thousands of lives? The argument is that we can't have gun control because law abiding gun owners are punished. Well, what about the punishing thousands of law abiding Syrian refugee families because of that hypothetical ONE? 

Just last month, Randolf Linn was arrested for trying to burn down an Indiana mosque. His reason was that all Muslims are terrorists and they don't believe in Jesus. Mr Linn told the judge that Fox News got him all riled up and he learned about Muslims on talk radio. From right wing Christian jihadists, I am sure. He faces 20 years. Hallelujah! In Irving, TX, David Wright organized of an armed anti-Muslim protest at its mosque and then published the names and addresses of dozens of Muslims and “sympathizers” online last week. Now this terrorist wannabee is bellyaching about the backlash. What reasons was this done other than intimidation and veiled threats of violence? This is Christian extremism that seeks to terrify. This is stochastic terrorism by design. This is a way to get some religious ignoramus to commit a horrendous act of violence just as old Imams and Mullahs get young fools to join ISIS or Al Qaeda and become butchers for God. 

Over 750,000 refugees have been legally settled in the United States since 9/11. How many Americans have died in this country due to a refugee committing an act of Islamic terror since 9/11? Four, I think. On the other hand, in that same period, over 100,000 Americans have shot and killed other Americans. So it seems that its okay to right wingers that its okay for Americans to kill Americans but surely don't let ONE Syrian in! You are far more likely to get killed by an angry American with a gun than a terrorist. You are far more likely to be killed by a right wing Christian with a gun than ISIS. You are far more likely to be killed by a spouse, an intimate partner, or a drinking buddy than an ISIS recruit. 


Sweet Tears of Creationist Teabilly Butthurt - 11-10-2015

To the Editor,

Sweet tears of Teabilly Butthurt! Did you see the Ayatollah steam coming from James McCoole's ears? Then Steve Earle asks whether believing in creationism makes a person bad. What does that have to do with anything? This may be a little over Mr Earle's head but politicians and science teachers should be up to date on the latest scientific consensus and discoveries. Creationism goes up against mountains of scientific evidence and do not belong in schools or government. Its not about being good or bad, its about competency. It is of paramount importance that policy makers make their decisions based upon the latest knowledge.

Creationists are today's Geocentrists. They refuse to accept the mountains of evidence that support evolution from common descent.  Mr McCoole certainly does not belong on a school board where providing up to date education is of primary importance. By the way, those three right wing school board members in Jefferson County, Colorado, who made a stink about the Advanced Placement American History curriculum were recalled last week and kicked off the school board. Let that be a lesson to conservatives who want to push their history and science from an alternative universe in public schools.

Mr McCoole, forgetting it is 2015, not 1015, claims that there is no evidence for evolution by common descent. Maybe he should read some science instead of books and sites which advance religious apologetics in the guise of science. Below I have included some links. One is about Ring Species which demonstrate speciation in the here and now. The second presents 29 examples of macroevolution. This will not be easy but one has to start somewhere. As I wrote a while back, one can ditch literal readings of ancient religious texts, redefine what creator could mean, and still maintain some sort of faith. As Thomas Paine said, the Bible is an insult to the Almighty. Its the dogmatic doctrines that have to go. Christianity, Islam, and Judaism are full of tales that require gullibility on steroids for acceptance. Supernatural nonsense like revelations, visions and dreams, virgin births, original sin, hellfire, salvation and a need for a savior, resurrections, angels, demons, Satan, prophecies, and much more have to be tossed in the trash bin of mankind's worn out ideas. Deism is compatible with today's science because it doesn't make ludicrous claims like claiming to know what God is or what IT thinks. Evolution by common descent is a big problem for ideas such as original sin and salvation because with evolution there was no "fall of mankind" so there is no need for a savior. If humanity is actually ascending by means of natural selection, the tribal superstitions of the middle east which became the 3 great religions have it completely backwards.

The problem with learning about evolution is that it is a study which brings together many fields of science. Evolution is supported by so many lines of evidence that a young Earth creationist has to ignore genetics, biology, chemistry, biochemistry, immunology, physics, astrophysics, geology, archaeology, paleontology, paleo-climatology, botany, bacteriology, virology, and more in order to maintain belief. One can't learn this subject overnight. With Intelligent Design believers, its not as bad because they have faced the facts of the geological record and the distant galaxies that are billions of light years away. But they still cling to myths like Michael Behe's "irreducible complexity" which claims that there is an irreducible level of biological complexity that could not have evolved from any previous state. This has been widely refuted and rejected because its demonstrably wrong. There are no examples of irreducible complexity.

Creationism and the Scientific Consensus on Evolution 11-4-2015

To the Editor,

John Demakowski's creationist beliefs are just like those of anti-vaxxers and  climate change deniers. Thick in the midst of these pseudo-scientific theories is the notion that there is some vast conspiracy to oppress the truth.  Its the atheists, its the corporations, its the government, or maybe the illuminati. Break out the tinfoil for the chem-trails come. If you listen to the preachers of the anti-science crowd, you would think almost every expert in their field is part of a conspiracy. In a 2009 Pew survey, only 2% of scientists polled were Young Earth Creationists. Back in 1991, the number was 5% (Gallup). Nothing in the geological or fossil record supports a young Earth. Radiometric dating obliterates "creationist geology". The Earth is clearly around 4 billion years old and all the available data suggests that the universe we see is almost 14 billion years old. If you want to build a bridge, you hire an engineer, not a preacher.

The tactics are the same in all of the pseudo-scientific camps. Like anti-vaxxers and climate change deniers, they present a false narrative that there is still a big controversy within their respective scientific fields. There is no such grand debate. Cherry picking data, merchandising doubt, and magnifying minorities are popular science denial tactics. Anti-science outliers are amplified by dissenters in order to imply that the large consensus claimed by experts is a bogus claim. It is not.  Almost all Earth and Life scientists vigorously support evolution from common descent. That's right; you are genetically related to almost everything that is alive or ever lived. It should not come as a surprise that it is the most religious of people who are the ones who fight evolutionary science the hardest.  That should tell you something.

Mr Demakowski makes vague claims about evolution not being true but does he put forth any creationist claim? No. Why? Because every creationist idea fails miserably when examined thoroughly. Creationists actually believe things like the Earth is thousands of years old instead of billions. If you are interested in creationist claims versus the actual science of evolution, I highly recommend this site as a primer. 

Ben Carson & Benghazi - Tea Party Potty Tricks 10-27-2015

To the Editor,

In his bizarre disconnects from reality, Ben Carson thinks religion should inform science, evolution is of the Devil, being gay is a choice, Obamacare was worse than 9-11 and is certainly the worst thing to happen since slavery. Having no clue that he is the epitome of the preposterous fool, Carson claimed Jews with guns would have prevented the holocaust. Topping it off, he says he would have just stood up to the Oregon shooter. Oh, that would work! Welcome to another edition of Tea Party Potty Tricks where we keep the super heroes of the vacuous in the news. Carson's latest eye-roller is the tasking of the federal government to monitor college campuses for liberal bias to determine which places need to have their funding cut. He noted he would have “very strict guidelines” to protect conservatives. Ben's Endangered Species Act? He claims this is not really a monitoring of political speech. And my vacation home is on Saturn! Spotlighting the delusional persecution complex of fundamentalist Christian activists, Carson wants Secret Service protection due to him being in "great danger" because he is an "existential threat" to liberals.  Existential Threat! Speaking to the National Press Club, Carson attempted an analogy between his presidential campaign and the D-Day invasion. Carson also pandered to anti-vaxxer wackadoodles by falsely claiming in the last GOP debate that pediatricians have cut down on the number and proximity of vaccines because they recognize there have been "too many in too short a period of time." All the leading Medical organizations gave this a "liar, liar, pants on fire" rating. 

By now, even the slowest of people know that the Benghazi hearings were nothing more than a political smear campaign. While Donald Trump and Ben Carson whined to CNBC about having to answer debate questions for more than 2 hours, Hillary Clinton sailed gracefully for 11 hours in front of a hostile group of petulant worms and utterly destroyed them with her intelligence, strength, laughter, and calm. Many appear to be gleefully grateful for "useful idiots" like Kim Davis and Trey Gowdy. In an example of irony on steroids, Dowdy Gowdy recently whined about the blowback regarding his inquisition, “I would say in some ways these have been among the worst weeks of my life. Attacks on your character, attacks on your motives, are 1,000-times worse than anything you can do to anybody physically — at least it is for me".  That's Rich! Now the dumb and dumber are going to form a Benghazi Committee for Planned Parenthood. We can't wait!

The law of unintended consequences is exposing more than Trey Gowdy. The 'email scandal' has led to some embarrassing revelations. In particular are emails showing the Bush administration and Tony Blair plotting the Iraq invasion a year before launching it. The emails clearly revealed Blair’s collusion with the Department of Defense in fabricating and selling the so called 'evidence' which suckered most Americans, resulting in 4500 killed, 31,000 maimed, tens of thousands of PTDS cases, over 150,000 Iraqi civilian deaths. and the loosing of ISIS.

Our Brown Bag Burning Award goes to Jeb Bush who thinks brother George can't be held responsible for 9/11 but Hillary can for Benghazi. Its the Republican brain, again! Jeb thinks gun massacres are explained by "stuff happens" and the tax policies of his brother "created a dynamic effect of high growth." 

What would Tea Party Potty Tricks be without some complimentary prizes for the literary giants of the Lakes Region Nutjob Express? For DM Williamson we have an authentic autographed Thunderbolt used by Zeus himself. Russ Wiles gets a Fischer Solar powered calculator to run cost-benefit analyses of gun laws and statistics. For Tony Boutin we have a 'Lord of the Flies' Teeshirt autographed by Ayn Rand while she received Medicare and Social Security under a false name. And last but not least, we have a dead horse for Steve Earle.

The War on Cops Doesn't Exist. More Guns Means More Death 10-19-2015

To the Editor,

Russ Wiles' war on cops doesn't exist. This is another false narrative created by Fox and right wingers. According to the National Law Enforcement Memorial Fund, 807 cops lost their lives in the first six years of the Obama administration. At the same mark, 1129 police officers were killed under Reagan and 1034 were under Bush II. There is, however, vocal concern regarding cops who use excessive force. The height of the bar used in law enforcement screening, employment, and job performance has become a public health issue. That said, in a nation with 250 million guns and a gun murder rate that is nearly 20 times the rate of the OEDC average, cops have a right to be on edge. That is why we have to have the very best.

Mr Wiles cites John Lott's work which claims more guns mean less crime. The battle cry of the glassy eyed flag wavers is a bald faced lie. Using Lott's research is akin to using Andrew Wakefield's bogus vaccine study or Heartland Institute's fake climate "science". Lott's 20 year old claims have been widely debunked by peer review. His work caters to lazy thinkers looking for simple answers but reality requires nuanced critical thinking..

According to Daniel Webster, the director of the Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research, right to carry wins are "based upon Lott’s scholarship" that has been "completely discredited." In 2005, the National Research Council (NRC) published a large report in which the panel concluded that existing research was "insufficient to say much of anything about a causal connection between crime and right-to-carry laws".

A 2012 paper,"The Impact of Right-to-Carry Laws and the NRC Report: Lessons for the Empirical Evaluation of Law and Policy." written by Stanford's Abhay Aneja and John J. Donohue and Hopkins' Alexandria Zhang, went one step further. It methodically analyzed the existing literature, including Lott's, and reached a much different conclusion: "Overall, the most consistent, albeit not uniform, finding to emerge from both the state and the county panel data models conducted over the entire 1977–2006 period with and without state trends and using three different models is that aggravated assault rises when [right-to-carry] laws are adopted." They found "very few statistically significant effects of RTC laws on crime rates, but almost all of them, significant or not, show crime increases". Raw data from the National Violent Death Reporting System as compiled by Harvard Injury Control Research Center also directly refutes many of Lott’s claims.

David Hemenway from the Harvard School of Public Health, wrote a similarly devastating review of “More Guns, Less Crime” in his book, 'Private Guns, Public Health'. He argues that there are five main ways to determine the appropriateness of a statistical model and John Lott’s model appears to fail every one of these tests. Ted Goetzl, a retired professor of Sociology at Rutgers University, published a paper in The Skeptical Inquirer which cataloging the most egregious abuses of econometrics in criminology. John R. Lott’s 'More Guns, Less Crime', was at the top of the list. University of Arkansas Law Professor Andrew J. McClurg, in a critical review of Lott entitled, “‘Lotts’ More Guns and Other Fallacies: Infecting the Gun Control Debate,” concludes that Lott’s entire manifesto "is one large example of fallacious post-hoc reasoning".

Compounding the problem are those who have action hero delusions like the woman that opened fire on a shoplifter at Home Depot last week. They live in a warped fantasy world fueled by the alternate realities of television, movies, and the rhetoric of gun nutters. Due to inexperience and the lack of special training under pressure, most people will not react logically in a shooting scenario, especially a sudden ambush shooting where the shooter has semi-automatic firearms and large clips. The observed evidence is clear: the average person doesn’t have the training or mindset to suddenly become a good guy with a gun. That takes continual weapons training under varied circumstances. Our gun murder rate dwarfs those of OEDC nations of Europe, Australia, NZ, and Asia because we think guns are the answer. While the call for more guns keeps coming from the gun lobby, not one mass shooting (4+ people) has been stopped by a good guy with a gun in the last 30 years.

Remember, retired Navy Seal sniper Chris Kyle was killed at a gun range. Last year a gun shop was robbed at gunpoint. The Oregon shooting was not in a gun-free zone and several people in the school were armed. Its over in seconds and gun nuts just can't process that. This week marks the 1000th mass murder shooting (4+) since Sandy Hook. In the last decade, 280,024 people have been killed with guns in America. Time to grow up.

Schadenfreude Edition of Tea Party Potty Tricks 10-6-2015

To the Daily Sun,

The head of Yale Business School has recently said what many of us already know; Carly Fiorina's denial of reality is nearly psychopathic. Whether its her business record or the videos she claims she viewed, none of it is true. Welcome to a Schadenfreude Edition of Tea Party Potty Tricks brought to you by the Center for the Study of Absurdity where we keep the stupid in the news. As you know, for over 2 years now, we have offered more flavors of vacuity than Ben and Jerry has ice cream.

First up this time is Kevin McCarthy who really messed up and round about admitted the obvious. We just didn't think anyone was honest enough to admit that the Benghazi hearings have never been anything but a political smearing strategy. Its nice to hear a politician tell the truth. Jockeying for pathological liars of the week are right wing Christian bigots Kim Davis and her attorneys who posted a 200,000 strong Peruvian prayer meeting image claiming it was for her and that she had a private meeting with the Pope who supported her religion fueled bigotry. Neither are true. There was no private meeting.

On tap for the most deluded Americans this week are the ones who claim gun free zones are the problem. To the anarchistic gun-nutter world it would be so cool to check out everyone's guns and ammo whenever you shop at Walmart, Market Basket, or, yes, buy new sneakers. There would be competitions between businesses regarding who has the patrons with the biggest guns or the biggest baddest clips. And they could be like Burger King with playgrounds; your kiddies could play at shooting ranges with semi-autos that blast testosterone inflating armor piercing bullets  while you shop. And everyone would feel safe because as we all know, an armed society is a polite society. Isn't American exceptionalism great? Over in Norway, imprisoned right wing mass murderer of 72, including 68 unarmed kids, wants a play-station 3 or else. The anti-immigrant psychopath, of which we all know there are many in our own land, has threatened a hunger strike if his demands are not met. Now's your chance, Norway!

We here at the Center admit our mistakes and we want to congratulate John Boehner on finally creating a job. Kudos, John, we were wrong. Did you hear what Mitch McConnel did to Ted Cruz? That old Kentucky coot boxed Cruz out and they had clean votes that prompted Cruz to have a Senatorial tantrum. The Dunce of Blabber now faces irrelevancy in the Senate. In fact, Rand Paul told Fake News that Cruz had become worthless to the people of Texas. Poor little Teddy Taliban.

That Jesus fellow has been in the local letters lately. It appears that old coot McCoole threw his toys on the floor after a Scott Cracraft letter. Enraged, he said. So our crack team of journalists did some fact checking and found that there is not one contemporary source verifying the historicity of this person. Tacitus was born in 56CE, Josephus in 39CE, and none of the epistles or gospels were written until several decades after the alleged events. So clearly, after looking at the historical evidence, we give the New Testament a pants on fire until further notice. We would also like to welcome Joe Higgins to the editorial staff of the Sun since he has taken upon himself the responsibility of deciding what a disservice to the Sun is. What? He isn't on the staff? Trick or Treat!

Evolution is Winning Even In Dixie 9-21-2015

To the Daily Sun,

In the heart of Dixie, Alabama has just approved a new science education overhaul for 2016. They will be teaching both evolution and climate change as established science. They have decided they want their kids equipped for the real world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Being ignorant can have profound consequences in this fast paced and demanding world. Some of the chief proponents of this change are quite religious.

Intelligent Design Theory (ID) is not science. It can't be tested. It can't be verified. It has no gathered lines of evidence. Science attempts to develop hypotheses that best explain the observations in nature. Intelligent design assumes as certain fact that there is a God and then tries to build a case within that box. True scientific explanations always admit uncertainties. ID masks itself as science with ideas like "irreducible complexity" which always crumble when examined.

Science is neutral on a creator but science isn't neutral about what is established science to this date. While science can disprove a great deal of what religions claim in their texts and doctrines, it is pretty quiet on the notion of a creator. How exactly do you define a creator? Is it an "eternal" ground state? A being? An energy or force? Is it just too incomprehensible for us? Since science can only measure the natural world, how could it ever know anything about an alleged supernatural world? Its not in physical evidence and it certainly has never been measured except in Ghost Busters and old Vincent Price movies.

Evolution can be reconciled with faith if one is intellectually capable of revising their definition of a creator. After all, a "personal God" presented by the fundamental religious texts of Jews, Christians and Muslims really is a case where primitive humans created a creator and "king" in their own image with their own tendencies, willfulness and egotism. What cracks us unbelievers up the most is the notion that an all-powerful, all-knowing deity needs our recognition and worship. Its bizarre to us that an omnipotent creator is obsessed about humans taking notice of him. What kind of omnipotent creator needs our attention? It amazes me that people can believe this stuff. Worship and obey the king or lose your head. Prostrate yourself or else, slave.

Ethnocentric White Trash - Tea Party Potty Tricks 8-27-2015

To the Daily Sun,

Welcome to another Edition of Tea Party Potty Tricks where we keep the best of the stupid in the news. According to Pew, white American Evangelical Christians think they experience more discrimination than Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Atheists or Jews. You're kidding, right? With that in mind we give a shout out to all those poor persecuted Bible thumping confederate flag wavers for showing us who is white trash without needing a conversation.

Misogynist xenophobe Donald Trump continues his wrecking ball tour across the nation while Bernie Sanders is packing in record crowds in major Arenas. Last week, 28,000 showed up in Portland, Oregon's Moda Center. Trump may be able to make as much noise as 28,000 people because, after all, he is huge, but in the latest polling reported by The Hill, Bernie Sanders trounces the billionaire with a third grade vocabulary by 20 points.

Speaking of ethnocentric flotsam, we here at the Center for the Study of Absurdity offer a big hats off to Bob Meade and Linda Riley for winning the coveted Loo Award for general ignorance and bigotry regarding immigration and race. With race baiters like Steve Earle and Don Ewing in the running, we know Professor Cracraft must have had a tough time.

Another fake right wing scandal is falling apart. (Don't they all?) According to State Department spokesman John Kirby, “We have said in the past, Chris, that there was no policy prohibiting the use of a private email account here at the State Department." Kirby noted that things have changed since her tenure "but at the time she was not violating policy". Poor Steve Earle and Linda Riley. Maybe they should start a gardening column.

Pat Robertson has escaped from the loony bin again and is clearly off his meds. Pat claims that the stock marked trouble this week is due to an angry God punishing America for Planned Parenthood. He said that about 9/11, too. Religious crackpots will say anything. Speaking of religious psychos, Ben Carson has out-Donalded both Trump and Ewing by telling Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu, a favorite of anti-immigrant crazies that he was open to drone strikes on our soil in order to combat unlawful immigration along the southern border. Drone strikes! He who has the most anti-immigrant foam at the mouth wins! With the fascist leaning Tea Party and what is left of the GOP, the most free-wheeling, uninhibited, and brazen stupidity wins.

Did you hear the latest? David Duke, white supremacist, holocaust denier, and one time KKK leader has endorsed Donald Trump. Priceless! But there's more! Daily Stormer, America's most popular Neo-Nazi website has announced its support for Trump because of his willingness to call Mexicans out as criminal rapists, murderers, and drug dealers. Clearly, Don Ewing has allies in the lowest of places. Now for ice cream. A while back it was noticed on one of Trump's campaign posters tweeted that the marching soldiers in the lower right hand picture  were Wehrmacht Nazi SS troops. No kidding. An aide was blamed for making the alleged "mistake". But we here at the Center have some ideas of our own.

The Sky is Falling! Economic Alarmism is nuts 8-20-2015

To the Editor,

I greatly enjoyed Tony Boutin's latest letter on the economic catastrophe that has befallen us due to Democrats and the evils of scientific consensus regarding climate change. His letter is a parade of hilarious chicken little alarmism. Tony has consistently played all the cards of science denial; fake experts, cherry picking, delusional magnification of minority opinion, fallacious reasoning, and most entertaining of all, conspiracy theories. After all, climate change science is being used to destroy capitalism! It's a vast left wing conspiracy. Just ask Russ and Don.

I recently said to Don Ewing, "the debate on climate change is pretty much settled among climate scientists. Like evolution, its now the details that are being explored,.." This is fact. That is the present consensus. Its not 100% because no scientific explanation can be 100% certain. It is "pretty much settled". The degree of certainty is very high in the climate science community. One can go with scientists in the know or internet neckbeards and right wing corporate funded "think" tanks. What an oxymoron.

I could have a delicious time responding to all the conspiracy lunacy of Tony's letter but I would rather just point out that free market fundamentalist alarmists like Tony and his crowd of glassy eyed tin-foil hat wearers have lost the debate in the highest places of scientific knowledge, policy making, and even the majority of people. The well funded climate denial machine is increasingly being ignored as strident and unreasonable. This is fact. Mr Boutin's appreciation of climate science clearly ranks with Mr Demakowski's appreciation of evolutionary science. They fit the science to their beliefs, which is doing it backwards. Science denial is just plain weird (and suspect) after a point whether its creationism, anti-vaxxers, or climate change denial.

Last year, 53% of this country's new energy capacity was in renewables. So far in 2015, its is a 2 to 1 ratio, around 67% so far. The market is still rocking so its time to retire the climate denial memes and find another brand of fear mongering to purvey. States are increasingly passing legislation to insure that actual climate science is being taught. Iowa just signed this into law. Wyoming, Hawaii and Minnesota have recently joined the crowd, too. The small city of Georgetown, Texas decided in March to go 100% renewable. Why? Costs, both human and economic. We could be facing water problems in the future yet climate change deniers don't tell you that fossil fuel burning uses stunning amounts of water which crops and yes, people, require. Yes, people. Air quality and health issues are also major issues to normal people even if Tony and the Tin Foils want to suck down or drink "harmless" industrial emissions because they are of course, just "nutrients".

False Memories Lane - Tea Part Potty Tricks 8-7-2015

To the Daily Sun,

All Aboard! On Thursday, the Conservative Clown Car embarks on another comedy tour down false memories lane that promises to give us everything from jaw dropping stupidity to belly aching laughs. Welcome to another Edition of Tea Party Potty Tricks brought to you by the Center for the Study of Absurdity. Here at the Center our crack reporters are teamed up with specially trained dogs to sniff out the best in stupid. Did you hear what Jeb Bush recently said? Did you think George was the dumb one? Not so fast. In an interview with some religious conservatives Tuesday, Jeb suggested that the federal government had overfunded women’s health. Yup, one-thousandth of federal health care spending goes to women's health issues and that's just too much. Jeb has no problem with truckloads of cash for wealthy corporations who ship jobs overseas, but girls? They're just girls!

Over in Christian Taliban La-La-Land, Rick Wiles of Trunews is warning his flock that Jade Helm is paving the way for a “two-month-long Night of the Long Knives,” “a round-up of patriotic men,” an illegal Obama third term and possibly a nuclear EMP attack. Nukes! Increase your meds, Rick. Somebody certainly believes that conservative fly-soup because yesterday, two right wing militia crazies opened fire on our Jade Helm troops. While we are in the land of the hopelessly deluded, hate radio's Michael Savage is convinced Obama will initiate an anti-white genocide. His evidence? He informed his listeners that he had interviewed an elderly Mayan woman who said she had dreams. She had dreams! "Chilling", Savage told his herd of frothing listeners. Over in Christian Sharia World, Pastor Scott Lively told an interviewer on Dove TV that religious freedom was just for Christians and that's why God is punishing us. Must be a Muslim obsession thingy. Lively as you may know, is on trial in Federal Court for Crimes Against Humanity. He funded and engineered the Death to Gays laws in Uganda and is now paying the price.

You gotta love the Scott Walker spin machine. Not only is Walker (like Jeb) against the Minimum Wage, Wisconsin boasts the 3rd worst job growth in the Midwest, a $283 Million dollar budget deficit and a median income $800 lower than the national average. In neighboring progressive Democrat Minnesota, the people got a minimum wage raise plus it will be indexed with inflation beginning in 2018. Minnesota has the 2nd highest job growth in Midwest, a median income $8000 above the national average, a $2 Billion dollar surplus, and the highest economic confidence in the nation. More failed liberal policies! After seeing these Minnesota stats, the consensus here at the Center is that we all want to be big time losers. After all, Liberals love evil. Right Russ?

High CO2 Creates Hollow Food that is Nutritionally Deficient 7-21-2015

To the Daily Sun,

One of the most popular claims of climate change deniers is "CO2 is plant food". Attached to this will always be claims about how greenhouses grow bigger plants so more CO2 must be good for humans. This is an argument from ignorance (or deceit) because bigger plants isn't all you get. Worldwide field studies and controlled climate experiments have turned up some compelling data that can't be ignored. High levels of CO2 create hollow plants.[1] By hollow I mean the extra growth is in sugars and starches but there is a significant loss in the content of proteins and important minerals such as Iron and Zinc. Almost 3 Billion people rely on a variety of crops for their nutrition and some of these such as Wheat are hit by significant losses in vital nutrients. Studies have even shown that our present crops have less nutrition than crops grown in pre-industrial times. According to the NIH, "Iron deficiency ranked ninth among 26 risk factors included in the global burden of disease study, and accounted for 841,000 deaths and 35,057,000 disability adjusted life years lost. Large sections of populations in Africa and Asia are at risk of dietary zinc deficiency and resulting high rates of stunting."[2] Since 2 billion people are deficient in zinc and 1 billion have iron-deficiency anemia, why on Earth would anyone favor hollow food with less Iron and Zinc?[3]

On top of this is the problem of soil moisture evaporation which will increase in a warmer world. Drier soil due to higher evaporation rates will also create growing problems. While growing may improve in far northern latitudes, heat related soil evaporation will not only stress plants but whatever you get will have less nutritional value. High levels of CO2 also favors weeds over crops and trees.

Another growing problem presently is the increased range of insect pests and plant diseases. Warming has already caused important changes in species diversity and distribution.[4] One example is the destruction wrought on forests in North America by the Pine Bore Beetle which has significantly extended its range northward in the last century. With a changed environment, natural selection may also favor bigger more voracious insects. Insect borne diseases such as Malaria and Dengue are also likely to increase.

97% of Climate Scentists and Anthropogenic Global Warming 7-3-2015

To the Editor,

Gene Danforth doesnt like the study that concluded 97% of climate paper Abstracts saw AGW as legitimate. No anti-regulation alarmist who is a climate change denier does. Its political with deniers. Out of 11,944 Abstracts surveyed, Gene gives us FIVE dissenters for starters. Five out of nearly 12,000! That is 1/24th of 1% which is clearly what Climate deniers think is strength in numbers! First he mentions Craig Idso as an example of how Cook "doctored" the study. The Abstract of Idso's article stated:

"Since the early 1960s, the declining phase of the atmosphere’s seasonal CO2 cycle has advanced by approximately 7 days in northern temperate latitudes, possibly as a result of increasing temperatures that may be advancing the time of occurrence of what may be called ‘climatological spring.’ ...One of these factors may be the ongoing rise in the CO2 content of the air itself; for the aerial fertilization effect of this phenomenon may be significantly enhancing the growth of each new season’s initial flush of vegetation, which would tend to stimulate the early drawdown of atmospheric CO2 and thereby advance the time of occurrence of what could be called ‘biological spring.’"[1]

The Abstract of Nick Scafetta's' paper did not make the 40-70% statement Gene claimed he did (pants on fire!). The abstract stated, "We estimate that the sun contributed as much as 45–50% of the 1900–2000 global warming, and 25–35% of the 1980–2000 global warming. These results, while confirming that anthropogenic-added climate forcing might have progressively played a dominant role in climate change during the last century, also suggest that the solar impact on climate change during the same period is significantly stronger than what some theoretical models have predicted."[2] So what are the causes that the 65-75% not Solar related? People? The "Anthropogenic-added climate forcing" he wrote of?  Of course, his claim that the Sun has that kind of impact presently is unlikely because the Sun has been in a steady cooling phase since 1979. That cooling phase actually began in 1950 with an abrupt drop in activity for a decade before an upswing. All data say the Sun has been cooling steadily since 1979 while the temperatures are rising. Its not the Sun, Soon. Its not as if John Cook didn't have reasons to include these abstracts as "no position" or "for AGW" but a few outliers, even 100, doesn't even dent the consensus. Some dissenters claimed that their abstract didn't correctly reflect their paper. Then don't write a faulty abstract, ya dope! Cook also invited all the scientists to self-rate so errors could be fixed. As you can see by the statements of these two, they don't speak against AGW at all. But this is just like the Merchants of Doubt machine for Gene to cherry pick five dissenters in a lame attempt to smear a powerful 11,944 abstract study. By the way, Scafetta is not a climate scientist. He is a physicist just klike Soon. Fake experts on climatology. Liars for hire. Danforth also forgets that there are many other studies which I mentioned in my previous letter.[3] Also included is a thorough debunking of the climate-gate hoax. No repeating myself today so I will move on to the biggest and most concentrated survey yet of abstracts on climate change and Global Warming. As I have been saying, the debate is over except on the internet and in main stream media outlets

James L. Powell is the director of the National Physical Sciences Consortium. Recently he reviewed 24,210 peer-reviewed papers by 69,406 authors on global warming published in 2013 and 2014. Guess how many rejected the reality of AGW? Four! Not 4% but 4 people. Powell stated clearly, "it's now a ruling paradigm, as much an accepted fact in climate science as plate tectonics is in geology and evolution is in biology. It’s 99.9% plus".[4][5] Five people out of 69,406! One denier per 17,352 authors. HELLO?

In my next letter rebutting Mr Danforth's denier science, I will scrap all of the denier myths about CO2 always being so wonderful and beneficial. This will be a fun outing for all.

Climategate: More Fake Scandals 6-12-2015

To the Editor,

Did Don Ewing say Climategate? Another fake scandal of course. Right wingers hacked 1079 of Michael Mann's emails and created a huge lie that would appeal to deniers and their industrialist pals. They claimed conspiracy, exaggeration, collusion, resistance to disclosure, manipulation of data, private admissions of flaws in their public claims and much more. Its a lie. A number of independent investigations from different countries, universities and government bodies have investigated the stolen emails and found no evidence of wrong doing. Some of the investigators were Pennsylvania State University, the UK government's House of Commons Science and Technology Committee, an international Scientific Assessment Panel, in consultation with the Royal Society, the US Environmental Protection Agency and others. [1]

Statements from these investigations included, "there is no substance to the allegation against Dr. Michael E. Mann", "we find that their rigour and honesty as scientists are not in doubt", "Professor Jones’s actions were in line with common practice in the climate science community", "no evidence of any deliberate scientific malpractice in any of the work of the Climatic Research Unit", "found this was simply a candid discussion of scientists working through issues that arise in compiling and presenting large complex data sets".

On the alleged "trick", a report stated, "there exists no credible evidence that Dr. Mann had or has ever engaged in, or participated in, directly or indirectly, any actions with an intent to suppress or to falsify data. The so-called “trick” was nothing more than a statistical method used to bring two or more different kinds of data sets together in a legitimate fashion by a technique that has been reviewed by a broad array of peers in the field."

In February 2011, the Department of Commerce Inspector General conducted an independent review of the emails and found "no evidence in the CRU emails that NOAA inappropriately manipulated data". In August 2011, the National Science Foundation concluded "Finding no research misconduct or other matter raised by the various regulations and laws discussed above, this case is closed."[2]

The American Meteorologist Society (AMS) study that Mr Ewing referenced does not say what he says it says. The survey was designed to test the Doran and Zimmerman study. It verified it. Here is what the study actually said. "Climate science experts who publish mostly on climate change and climate scientists who publish mostly on other topics were the two groups most likely to be convinced that humans have contributed to global warming, with 93% of each group indicating their concurrence."[3] The AMS released this policy statement in 2012. "It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide."[4]. Oops.

Mr Ewing doesnt like the President's position on Climate Change. In 2014 The Department of Defense released its Climate Change Adaptation Roadmap (CCAR), which states: “Climate change will affect the DoD’s ability to defend the nation and poses immediate risks to U.S. national security.” Must be a hoax! [5]

In 2011, among the American Geophysical Union, Farnsworth and Lichter found that 84% believed humans had a significant impact on climate while 5% said little or none. In 2010 The Anderegg study "used an extensive dataset of 1,372 climate researchers and their publication and citation data to show, not only that 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field support the tenets of anthropogenic climate change, but also that the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of the researchers unconvinced of ACC are substantially below that of the convinced researchers." [6]

In 2009, Doran and Zimmerman found that 98% of the most widely published Climatologists believed humans had a significant impact on climate. They also found that 90% of scientists publishing on the subject of climate change agreed. 88% of climatologists regardless of publishing agreed and 82% of Earth Science faculty and researchers agreed. Ewing misrepresented the Doran study by saying there were only 77 people. The team sent out 10,000 survey letters to the American Geological Institute’s directory of geoscience. They received 3146 responses and then publicized the results from two questions: (1) Have mean global temperatures risen compared to pre-1800s levels? (2) Has human activity been a significant factor in changing mean global temperatures? About 90% of the scientists agreed with the first question and 82% percent with the second. The 97% was the count among the 79 widely publishing Climatologists.

The Cook study looked at 11,944 abstracts of papers on the topics 'global climate change' or 'global warming' written over a 20 year period ending in 2011. Two-thirds expressed no position on Anthropomorphic Global Warming (AGW). Of the rest, 97.1% or 3822 papers endorsed the consensus position that humans are causing global warming while 82 rejected it.[7]

I addressed the myth of global cooling alarmism in my last letter. Now Russ Wiles is jumping in and Don has for the third time mentioned it. Its a bogus mainstream media story. A NASA projection had said if we quadrupled our Sulfate aerosols we could trigger rapid cooling. While a few papers were published about cooling, the vast majority of climate scientists were still predicting warming.[8] Warming is what research pointed to. A law was passed which required scrubbers on smokestacks. The cost of not fixing the aerosol particulates problem would be far more expensive than the cost of the scrubbers. Fred Singer lost again. Scrubbers put the brakes on a lot of smog, acid rain and many serious health risks.

Don says that science shouldn't be so political. I suggest he read Merchants of Doubt by science historian Naomi Orestes. Its about how a handful of cold war scientists with ties to big industry and phony cover groups obscured the dangers of cigarettes, acid rain, the Ozone hole, Pesticides, secondhand smoke and global climate change. These men tried to downplay the harm just as they are doing now. They actually lied about cigarettes and cancer for 50 years.


Sea Levels and Climate Change 6-4-2015

To the Editor,

Climatologists have successfully projected sea level rises with amazing accuracy. Dave Schwotzer on the other hand not only does not understand this but makes an outlandiish statement about Al Gore and Sea level. He remarks " At one point he claimed that the oceans were going to rise by many feet which would have occurred by now according to his timetable." Gore never said that. Climatologists in 1990 projected a 6-7 centimeter rise in Sea Levels by 2010. [1] That is right on the money. The 2013 IPCC report also expresses High confidence in projections of thermal expansion of the Oceans [2]. Warm water expands so its not just melting land ice that cause sea level rise, its the warming of the oceans, too. Warmer oceans also lose their Carbon sink abilities which leaves more Carbon in the atmosphere which warms the oceans even more causing a positive feedback loop. Not good. 

The oceans have warmed significantly in very recent times. They rose 6 cm in the 19th century and 19 cm in the 20th. Just 3 meters of sea holds more heat than the entire Earth's atmosphere and the present sea is only able to absorb 1/3 of the industrial CO2. The majority of the planet's heat is stored in the Oceans [3] It would be nice if conservatives would use facts instead of right wing myths and falsehoods in their letters. I will address his other claims in another letter.

NASA, Climate Change, and The Merchants of Doubt 5-27-2015

To the Editor,

According to NASA website [1], "Multiple studies published in peer-reviewed scientific journals show that 97 percent or more of actively publishing climate scientists agree: Climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities.[2][3]  In addition, most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position."By listening to the constant drumbeat of the radical free enterprise fundamentalists, you wouldn't think that its been largely settled by climate scientists. As with Vaccines and Evolution, there is no controversy regarding Anthropogenic Climate Change in the world of climate scientists. See Graph [4]

A recent book titled the "Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming"[5] tells the story of how an elite group of political ideologues and scientists distorted and misrepresented and outright became liars for hire to fight the cigarette cancer connection, acid rain due to Sulphate Aerosols from Coal plants, the Ozone Hole depletion from flourocarbons, the science of the Nuclear Winter, Anthropogenic Climate Change and even revised an attack on Rachael Carlson's Silent Spring and subsequent banning of DDT.

Russ Wiles' buddy, eternal anti-communist cold warrior doubt monger Fred Singer is featured throughout the book in most of the stories; denying the dangers of Acid Rain, Ozone depletion, SDI, a winnable nuclear war and the subsequent Nuclear Winter, second hand smoke, and Anthropogenic Climate Change. In every case his claims were scrutinized, debunked, and thoroughly dismissed as bogus, dishonest and politically motivated. After all, Singer's gang was made up of lobbyists, economists, industry representatives, other corrupt scientists for hire, right wing think tanks and the media.  Joseph Romm, a Washington scientist and author, after hearing Singer's 1500 year cycle theory said, "I don’t think there’s anybody in the scientific community who takes Fred Singer seriously,"

As Justin Lancaster, who worked with Climatologist Roger Revelle claimed, "Fred Singer is the most unethical scientist, in my opinion, that I have ever met. I said so in the early 1990s, publicly, and I am still confident in the truth of this statement." Right before his death, Revelle remarked to his secretary, “Some people don't think Fred Singer is a very good scientist.”  When Merchants of Doubt was made into a documentary to be released in theaters March - June 2015, Fred Singer was furious and threatened libel and sought out allies with which to block the movie. Of course he doesn't want people to find out who really is, what he does in his ideologically pigheaded way, and how he did these deceitful things for the sake of protecting big industry, their profits and their regulatory status quo. He failed to intimidate anyone working with the movie. It opened in March, closes in June and then goes to streaming services. The book is awesome. Very fast Summer reading, too.

Being such a small minority, the clique of arrogant ideologues that are the climate deniers have lost this battle in the world of science but in their half century fashion, continually repeat all the things in the mass media and the internet that have already been debunked by climate scientists. After all, Fred Singer is a Cold War Physicist not a trained climatologist no matter how much he or his glassy eyed followers protest. For a side by side chart of scores of Singer's absurd claims answered by what the science says go to this page at Skeptical Science.[6]
[5]   Kindle at Amazon, too. - 5/30/15 

To the Editor

Don Ewing did not address my rebuttal of his claim that the warming trend we are in now is caused by the same warming trend that brought us out of the Little Ice Age. Instead, he side steps to another denier myth, that climatologists were projecting global cooling. His link shows us how the popular media printed issues about global cooling. News magazines are not peer reviewed journals. They ambitiously sell a product with sensationalism. This cooling alarmism is a myth and a misrepresentation. It distorts the scientific position in the 1970s, when only a small number of papers were considering global cooling while the rest of climate scientists were predicting warming. Don is committing the fallacies of cherry picking and of magnifying minorities. The cause of the the lull in the warming trend after WWII was not the Sun but the Sulfate and Nitrate Aerosols of fossil fuel emissions. Like the same Aerosols of Volcanoes, they block incoming Solar radiation and have a cooling affect (Like Mt. Pinatubo in 1991, Tambura in 1812, Krakatoa in 1884). 

This is why there was a cooling period that began after heavy industrial pollution exploded on us after WWII. Rivers were flammable! But that lull ended when we put scrubbers on our plants due to dense smog, increased Cardiac and Respiratory diseases, and the destructive acid rains. Free Market Alarmists fought that change, too, like they did addressing the Ozone. Same ole, same old free market fundamentalism at work. With scrubbers in place, the sooty period ended so more heat began to get through and become trapped once again by the increasing levels of CO2. 

Climatologists were not predicting global cooling or an ice age. NASA projected that if we quadrupled Sulphate Aerosol pollution, we might trigger global cooling on a massive scale. All the research indicated oncoming global warming. We didn't increase aerosol pollution; we put scrubbers in which left CO2 in charge. 

Of the many influences upon our planet, global climate has three main drivers; CO2, Solar activity, and Volcanoes. CO2 is a heat trapping gas, period. Yes, the heat that the CO2 is trapping may be reduced by Sulfate Aerosols, but CO2 traps heat that gets through, period. For a good refutation of the claim that CO2 isn't correlated with warming see this page.[1] What Ewing is missing are the external and internal variability factors (forcing) such as solar activity, volcanoes, warming seas, loss of carbon sinks, and the La NiƱa - El Nino cycle. This is why graphs that cover periods like this one illustrating warming 1880-2009 shows that claim it hasn't warmed since 1998 is false.[2] No matter what the variability factors are, nothing changes the heat trapping nature of CO2.

The same cherry picking has been done with the year 1934 in the USA. The year 1934 was a very hot year in the United States, but 2014, 2013, 2012, 2006, and 1998 were hotter. Year 1934 was not so hot over the rest of the planet, coming in at 51st hottest. After 2015, it may be 52nd. See Graph 1900-2010.[3] Climate Change is measured globally and not just in the atmosphere. The cherry picking Ewing does completely ignores the two layers of Ocean Heat Content down to 2000 meters.  The rise has been enormous.[4] The decade of 2001 to 2010 is the hottest decade on record and 13 of the 14 hottest years on record happened in the 21st century.[5] 1998? Very funny!

Ewing claims of "wild predictions of climate doom: skyrocketing temperatures, droughts, floods, hurricanes, tornados, vanishing polar ice caps, etc. that politicians used to try to generate fear and that "scientists" used to get more grant money". Nonsense when it comes to most scientists. The deniers are the ones in the pay of the industrialists and their groups like the Petroleum Institute and hack groups with scientific sounding names like Singer's group. Take Wei-Hock Soon, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics who says its the Sun, not CO2 that is causing climate change. Soon has banked more than $1.2 million from the fossil-fuel industry over the last decade while failing to disclose this glaring conflict of interest in most of his scientific papers. Like most of the deniers in the pay of the fossil fuel industry and right wing economic think tanks, Soon is not a climatologist; he is a liar for hire. 

The alarmist calls came from the press and the politicians, not the climate scientists doing the studies. Most reports by the IPCC err on the side of caution, underestimating impacts while pundits, politicians and activists manufacture alarm. The alarmism I see is coming from the free market fundamentalists who wail and gnash their teeth that our way of life and our freedoms are in jeopardy if one takes climate change seriously. Its ideology driven drivel. Don does it. Russ does it. Tony does it. Its drivel.

And what is this about doubling CO2? That is in the future. In the 1880s it was 273ppm and now its closing in on 400ppm so where is the doubling? No, Don, the debate on climate change is pretty much settled among climate scientists. Like evolution, its now the details that are being explored, not the general consensus. What I am attempting to do is combat all the rubbish that free market fundamentalist groups, fake scientists, and liars for hire have spread. All movement in the polls is away from climate change denial. You have cited Dr. Philip Lloyd. One author who criticized the ICPP report? Now that carries a lot of weight! Like Fred Singer who was the lone dissenter on acid rain in a major study. Bjorn Lomborg, refuted daily, is another denier who is now at stage 3. These are the stages we see in deniers 1: Deny the problem exists. 2: Deny we’re the cause; its natural. 3: Deny it’s a problem; we can adapt. Stage 4: Deny we can solve it; its too big and too costly and THAT attacks our freedoms! Stage 5: It’s too late.
