Monday, October 3, 2016

TRAP Abortion Laws Unconstitutional

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun 9-6-2016

To the Editor,

A Fetus is not a separate individual. It is not a separate person therefore the rights of a fetus do not override the rights of a women who decides to terminate her pregnancy for whatever reason she chooses. If a fetus were a separate life, it would be entitled to the rights we all enjoy. But it is part of another's biological system and the owner of that biological system has the right to decide that system's present and future state. It is not up to any other biological system (or set of ovaries) to decide for her.

A fetus does not have the right to negatively impact a women's health, her career, her family's economic status, or her's life plan in any way. It is ironic that the majority of these forced birth activists are the same crackpots that want to deprive a poor family of assistance after an unplanned pregnancy. At the same time they want to restrict access to contraception and healthcare. Some holier-than-thou lunatics even want to ban contraception. These are the crazed religious fools that will fight to the death for a fetus and then attack welfare and food stamps benefits for these mothers (or murder an abortion provider).

With fundamentalist crazies, its okay for born children to go without food, shelter, a good education, and healthcare. And the self-righteous sociopaths vote that way too. These are the same people that blame poor people for being poor when there are still fewer jobs than seekers. They are worthy of our deepest contempt. While religious nuts scream "murder" like they are jacked up on the psychotic juices of a their pathologically jealous, violent, murderous Biblical God with its horrid examples of genocide, cruel and unusual punishments, and of course, eternal torture, the US Supreme Court sides with a women's choice. When these psychos accuse people of murder, they also incite and legitimize violence which since 1977 has included hundreds of crimes including murder, assault, bombings, vandalism, and arson. And don't forget the phony edited videos which led to the murderous shooting rampage in Colorado this year.

Forced Birth activists have lost huge and will likely never recover after 2016. The US Supreme Court has struck down major TRAP (Targeted Regulation of Abortion Provider) laws as unconstitutional. TRAP laws are designed to ultimately infringe on the right of a woman to choose with sleazy underhanded get-around-the-law laws. And soon, there will be another choice friendly justice on the court after Hillary is inaugurated. This year the court has dealt severe blows to the religious fanatics of eleven states who craft laws to make it nearly impossible for women to even make her legal and constitutional choice. The Texas TRAP law is now blocked and that sets precedent. Ten more states with TRAP laws are now on the chopping block after the Texas decision. Six have been challenged in court already. The religious ninnies have lost just as the anti-gay religious bigots have. Oh, did I mention that five states have had their Voter ID laws blocked this year? Schadenfreude to you, democracy and liberty loathing wingnuts.

James Veverka

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