Monday, October 3, 2016

For Bitter Conservatives, Progressive Change is the End of the World! So Kiss Your Ass Goodbye!

Published in The Laconia Daily Sun
To the Editor,

When you read the letters of J.F. McCarthy, Russ Wiles, Steve Earle, Don Ewing, Linda Riley, and Tony Boutin you would think it was the end of the world and its time to place your head between your legs and kiss your world goodbye. Their letters are patently ridiculous and full of mind numbing pessimism and abject darkness. And that doesn't include the fact free nature they all are riddled with. Just like that liar and narcissistic sociopath, Herr Trumpfendoofus. Take J.F. McCarthy who said ISIS is Obama and Clinton's fault. Another lie. ISIS arose in 2004 anf adopted their name in 2006.

What a terrible world they see. They should crawl back under the rock they came from where their thin skin won't be disturbed. I feel sorry for them that their pathetic lives are so full of fear, hatred, ignorance, deceit, and bitterness. And they are the ones who back a GOP that has a party platform that is as divisive as any platform in the history of this nation; anti-gay, anti-immigrant, anti-women, anti-science and anti-American values of community and tolerance. With the dark and gloomy GOP, its all about dividing America and placing the blame on people with different religions, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or place of origin. Yet it it they who nominated a divisive fascist to prove themselves worthy of that divisive and fascist label. 

James Veverka


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