Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Ethnocentric White Trash - Tea Party Potty Tricks 8-27-2015

To the Daily Sun,

Welcome to another Edition of Tea Party Potty Tricks where we keep the best of the stupid in the news. According to Pew, white American Evangelical Christians think they experience more discrimination than Blacks, Hispanics, Muslims, Atheists or Jews. You're kidding, right? With that in mind we give a shout out to all those poor persecuted Bible thumping confederate flag wavers for showing us who is white trash without needing a conversation.

Misogynist xenophobe Donald Trump continues his wrecking ball tour across the nation while Bernie Sanders is packing in record crowds in major Arenas. Last week, 28,000 showed up in Portland, Oregon's Moda Center. Trump may be able to make as much noise as 28,000 people because, after all, he is huge, but in the latest polling reported by The Hill, Bernie Sanders trounces the billionaire with a third grade vocabulary by 20 points.

Speaking of ethnocentric flotsam, we here at the Center for the Study of Absurdity offer a big hats off to Bob Meade and Linda Riley for winning the coveted Loo Award for general ignorance and bigotry regarding immigration and race. With race baiters like Steve Earle and Don Ewing in the running, we know Professor Cracraft must have had a tough time.

Another fake right wing scandal is falling apart. (Don't they all?) According to State Department spokesman John Kirby, “We have said in the past, Chris, that there was no policy prohibiting the use of a private email account here at the State Department." Kirby noted that things have changed since her tenure "but at the time she was not violating policy". Poor Steve Earle and Linda Riley. Maybe they should start a gardening column.

Pat Robertson has escaped from the loony bin again and is clearly off his meds. Pat claims that the stock marked trouble this week is due to an angry God punishing America for Planned Parenthood. He said that about 9/11, too. Religious crackpots will say anything. Speaking of religious psychos, Ben Carson has out-Donalded both Trump and Ewing by telling Arizona Sheriff Paul Babeu, a favorite of anti-immigrant crazies that he was open to drone strikes on our soil in order to combat unlawful immigration along the southern border. Drone strikes! He who has the most anti-immigrant foam at the mouth wins! With the fascist leaning Tea Party and what is left of the GOP, the most free-wheeling, uninhibited, and brazen stupidity wins.

Did you hear the latest? David Duke, white supremacist, holocaust denier, and one time KKK leader has endorsed Donald Trump. Priceless! But there's more! Daily Stormer, America's most popular Neo-Nazi website has announced its support for Trump because of his willingness to call Mexicans out as criminal rapists, murderers, and drug dealers. Clearly, Don Ewing has allies in the lowest of places. Now for ice cream. A while back it was noticed on one of Trump's campaign posters tweeted that the marching soldiers in the lower right hand picture  were Wehrmacht Nazi SS troops. No kidding. An aide was blamed for making the alleged "mistake". But we here at the Center have some ideas of our own.

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