To the Editor,
Climatologists have successfully projected sea level rises with amazing accuracy. Dave Schwotzer on the other hand not only does not understand this but makes an outlandiish statement about Al Gore and Sea level. He remarks " At one point he claimed that the oceans were going to rise by many feet which would have occurred by now according to his timetable." Gore never said that. Climatologists in 1990 projected a 6-7 centimeter rise in Sea Levels by 2010. [1] That is right on the money. The 2013 IPCC report also expresses High confidence in projections of thermal expansion of the Oceans [2]. Warm water expands so its not just melting land ice that cause sea level rise, its the warming of the oceans, too. Warmer oceans also lose their Carbon sink abilities which leaves more Carbon in the atmosphere which warms the oceans even more causing a positive feedback loop. Not good.
The oceans have warmed significantly in very recent times. They rose 6 cm in the 19th century and 19 cm in the 20th. Just 3 meters of sea holds more heat than the entire Earth's atmosphere and the present sea is only able to absorb 1/3 of the industrial CO2. The majority of the planet's heat is stored in the Oceans [3] It would be nice if conservatives would use facts instead of right wing myths and falsehoods in their letters. I will address his other claims in another letter.
The oceans have warmed significantly in very recent times. They rose 6 cm in the 19th century and 19 cm in the 20th. Just 3 meters of sea holds more heat than the entire Earth's atmosphere and the present sea is only able to absorb 1/3 of the industrial CO2. The majority of the planet's heat is stored in the Oceans [3] It would be nice if conservatives would use facts instead of right wing myths and falsehoods in their letters. I will address his other claims in another letter.
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