To the Editor,
Tony Boutin says there are just too many zeros for life or the universe to have happened without God. Mr Boutin brought us the "God of the Gaps" argument to us in all its glory. For those who don't know what this term is, its the habit people have when they don't have the scientific answers yet, don't understand them, or just refuse to acknowledge them, the say God did it. A God fills in their gaps in knowledge. When primitive man didn't understand lightning, plagues, earthquakes, battle losses, famines, infertility or floods, they said God did it! But since the dawn of the scientific age, millions of things have turned out to be just natural events, not God. These days, folks like Tony use the God of the gaps argument to explain life and the "creation" of the universe. Unknown to our scientifically illiterate brethren who prefer Fox news and Duck Dynasty over education, science is at work to explain those two as natural phenomena. The physics math that brought us the television screen and the Nuclear reactor also brought us the prediction of the Higgs Boson particle in the 1960s. In 2012 it was discovered at the Large Hadron Collider in Switzerland and sent shockwaves and excitement around the scientific world. The Higgs particle is what gives other particles their mass. No, not magic!
Backed by many lines of evidence, physicists have for decades predicted that the universe appeared sponstaneously due to quantum fluctuations. Now we have a mathematical proof for just that prediction of a universe from nothing (zero energy state). Thanks to the work of Dongshan He and his team at the Wuhan Institute of Physics and Mathematics in China, these guys have come up with the first rigorous proof that the Big Bang could indeed have occurred spontaneously because of quantum fluctuations.
It might suprise you to know that thwew total energy of the Univerese is Zero. All the positive energy and negative energy together adds up to zero. In the matter of life's beginnings, scientists have long conjectured on how life could have sprung from non-living matter. Now we have a testable theory. "According to physicist Jeremy England, the origin and evolution of life are processes driven by the fundamental laws of nature — namely the Second Law of Thermodynamics. He's come up with a formula showing how a group of atoms, when driven by an external source of energy (like the sun) and when surrounded by a heat bath (like the ocean or atmosphere), can sometimes restructure itself as a way to dissipate increasing rates of energy."
Scientists have already come up with some experiments with which to test the idea. It appears we may live in a 'Biophile' universe where life is a cosmic imperative.
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