Wednesday, December 30, 2015

State of the Union: GOP Agenda is DOA 1-22-2015

To the Editor,

A couple of years ago I read of a 25 year study's findings that adults who were very conservative were very whiny children. Crybabies. I know; its no surprise to folks who don't live in Teabagistan. After the burn our fine President put on the GOP at the State of the Union we should all write our Republican representatives and suggest maybe its nap-time. I know the Daily Sun's conservative clown car riders need naps. Its one temper tantrum after another. It was the most enjoyable SOTU speech I have ever watched. What's even funnier is to watch the post-speech reactions of the Tea Bag Brigade and the Christian Taliban. If you haven't seen the clips of Texastan's John Cornyn whining on Fox and Friends or Ted Cruz's epic fail at a rebuttal, they are must sees. Did I mention the Hog Whisperer? And the online memes are collectibles! Adding to the hilarity are the various fake news outlets that are raging about the President doubling down on his policies. As I said in November right after the election, "get ready for the hissy fits".

The extremist GOP agenda is DOA in the next Congress. They won't be able to get their pipeline of poison built. They won't be able to chip away at women's reproductive rights. They won't be able to put more sanctions on Iran at such a sensitive time in the talks. They will not be able to kill Dodd-Franks bank laws. They will not be able to take away people's healthcare. They will not be able move the country to the right. And if the Supreme Court decides against the federal subsidies of Obamacare, it will mean certain disaster for the GOP in 2016 as swing states turn bright bright blue. Night-night.

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