To the Editor,
John Demakowski says Jesus is God. Really? Who says so? An ancient text? Bishop Athanasius? The Council of Nicaea? The Council of Chalcedon? But is there really a God? Mr Demakowski acts as if he knows there is. But he doesn't know anything about any God. He has a god-concept and that is all. Nobody knows if there is an intelligent first cause and anyone who says they do is a liar or a fool; possibly both. Mr Demakowski has no evidence for any personal God nor does he have any logical reason why we should believe without evidence. He pretends well and doesn't even know he pretends. He may say he relies on faith but faith is a "God of the gaps" cop-out; a relic of ignorance both ancient and medieval. As someone who debates politics, science and religion online, I can tell you that once you make a theist answer for his beliefs, point by point, he has no logical argument for his beliefs. Its 100% baloney. Its so easy a caveman can point out the cognitive dissonance that believers live with.
Back to Mr Demakowski's Jesus is God. Who was Jesus anyway? You might be interested in the fact that there is not one contemporary historical writing about this Jesus. Not one primary historical source and that is why scholars are increasingly stepping out and saying that maybe Jesus never existed. The same is true of historians and archaeologists that make it clear there isn't any body of evidence supporting the Pentateuch, the first five books of the Bible. No flood. No Jewish captivity. No Exodus or Ten Commandments event. No conquest of the promised land. If folks want to believe folk lore is fact, they have that right but keep it in your homes and churches and away from our government and schools.
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