Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Death With Dignity 11-7-2014

To the Editor,

There are few things I find more contemptible than the self-righteous know-it-all pontifications of people who pretend they know there is a God and what God thinks. James McCoole is the latest such voice from the Snake Oil refinery who pretends he knows all about what YHWH wants. James tells us "Our lives are gifts from God, and only He has the right to take them back". Says who? McCoole? His make-believe God? An ancient book of tales and historical fiction written my men in the iron age? He doesn't like the fact that Brittany Maynard ended her life peacefully instead of unnecessarily suffering and under a Niagara Falls of medical costs. That is not surprising since many Christians worship a God of depraved violence that will burn you forever for having the wrong religion. Saint Paul has a whole list of things in Romans that are worthy of death. Its right out of a Edgar Allen Poe book of psychotic horrors! Mr McCoole would much rather have Brittany Maynard and her loved ones suffer because that's what God wants he says. You have no right to determine your destiny in Mr McCoole's spooky prehistoric world of demons and deities hding under the bed and in the closet. Oh, and a magical book!

Mr McCoole speaks of a Book of alleged rules that God gave us and a slaughtered Lamb of God. A book that is just a book and only that, I might add, that reflects the times it was written in. A barbaric society writes a barbaric book such as the Bible. It has a barbaric God and a barbaric system of justice. There are no primary historical sources for Jesus' existence and Biblical archaeologists believe the entire Pentatech is fable. The great kingdom of Judah is a myth; it was a tribe. There was no Jewish Captivity. There was no Exodus and ten commandments event, they say. Evolution is fact so there was no "Fall from Grace" and "original sin" in a magic garden of talking snakes and no belly buttons so there is nothing to be saved from, therefore no need for any savior. Its all excellent storytelling on an epic scale.

To many religious nuts, its okay for a God to predestine his son to be brutally murdered but its not alright for a terminally ill woman to die with dignity; in peace. Its okay for God to have people execute homosexuals, unbelievers, Wiccans, unruly children, and adulterers, but its not okay for someone to pass gently into the night instead of facing an agonizing death. Its okay for God to murder almost every living thing with a flood and it was okay for God to murder every Egyptian family's firstborn child but its not okay for a person to die peacefully with their loving family surrounding them. Humans can't stand to see their pets suffer and opt to have them put to sleep when the suffering gets to great. Its humane and caring. But, humans, naw, we gotta suffer agony till the end because of some pretend God in some people's heads. So instead of being humane and caring, the sock puppets of the religious world tell us that we don't deserve such humane treatment and should be treated as if we are being treated by a sadistic psychopath that enjoys our pain. Its clear that in the Bible, God seems to get a big kick out of world suffering and lots of killing and cruel and unusual punishments. After all, the Bible's God created the Lake of Fire BEFORE the foundations of the world. Mr McCoole's War God YHWH puts humanity's worst dictators in the amateur column! Doesn't that give you a warm and fuzzy feeling?

If Mr McCoole wants to be cool, he can turn his attention to mental health and gun concerns because 20,000 people a year kill themselves - - - unnecessarily in most cases. Booze, mental illness, and guns together take a terrible toll.

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