Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Treaty of Tripoli 1-8-2015

To the editor,

I see Gene Danforth is at it again with his God and government agenda with his right wing arguments. Mr Danforth wants you to believe that since the 11th article may not he in all the Arabic versions of the treaty its not in the one the US Senate ratified. This is false. It clearly was in the version voted on. The treaty as voted upon in DC contains the phrase "as the Government of the United States is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion." That is indisputable because the treaty is in the public record.

The treaty and its signatores can be viewed in the US Book of Treaties at An image of the treaty and signatores can be viewed at:

Whatever you may not like about this treaty, the one voted on by the US Senate said the government of this country is not in any sense based on the Christisn religion. This is verified by a Godless and secular constitution based on Enlightenment ideals.

James Veverka

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