Wednesday, December 30, 2015

The Bible is not an Historical Document 4-16-15

To the Daily Sun,

It takes one to know one is a common term. John Demakowski has alluded that our cordial professor, Mr Cracraft, may be afflicted with hot air. A misreading of course. Mr Demakowski's hot air is straight from his make-believe Bible's lake of fire where he has it in his tormented mind that you will be tortured with fire because you deserve it if you don't accept the beliefs of people who didn't know where the Sun went at night. Got that?

Now let's get to hot air. Firstly, there is no evidence for any supernatural realm, beings, or deities. Zero, so stop pretending there is to make yourself feel warm and fuzzy. Ignorance of natural processes in the universe is not grounds for faith. It is grounds for awe and wonder and curiosity.

Secondly, there are no primary contemporary sources for the life of the Bible's Jesus. In my opinion, Jesus is a mythical construct, a synthetic person made by synthesizing Pagan mystery cults, Hellenism, and Judaism. All three represented the major religious currents of that Roman era. Nor does archaeology support the Pentateuch.

The Bible is not a history document; it is a religious document not unlike the Quran or the Bhagavad Gita or the Tibetan Book of the Dead. Mr Demakowski speaks of his Biblical literacy but in my view that is as important as claiming one is well studied in Harry Potter novels, the Dune Trilogy or the Foundation series by Isaac Asimov.

Pretending to know things is not a virtue. Its the virtue of a wolf.

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