Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Marvelous Measles - Tea Party Potty Tricks 2-9-2015

To the Editor,

According to WHO, there were 145,700 global measles deaths in 2013 and during 2000-2013, measles vaccination prevented an estimated 15.6 million deaths. But there is no vaccine for willful ignorance. Welcome to Melanie's Marvelous Measles brought to you by the Center for the Study of Absurdity where we strive to keep the stupid in the news. Enter Rand Paul who is pandering to the "leave me alone" voting bloc. Rand says vaccinations should be largely voluntary as a matter of freedom. Did he say Freedumb? Paul makes the absurd claim, echoing debunked autism claims, that children have “wound up with profound mental disorders after vaccines.”  Back in 2009 on Alex Jones' infowars show, he claimed mandated vaccines are "the first sort of thing you see with martial law."

Cardiologist Dr. Jack Wolfson is this week's super sick sociopath. After receiving letters from parents of children who can't be vaccinated yet due to medical issues, Wolfson said other family’s health issues are theirs, and he shouldn’t have to keep his unvaccinated children away from other kids. "It’s not my responsibility." Asked by CNN how he would feel if a child died because one of his kids infected them he said he would feel fine. "I’m not going to put my child at risk to save another child". Wolfson also claims that vaccinations probably cause Leukemia! Nuts!

Chris Christie was looking for a shot in the arm but shot himself in the foot instead. Although Mr Christie claims he supports vaccinations he couldn't help but spread the autism BS and insisting that vaccinations should be a choice. It hasn't occurred to him that the recent outbreaks are due to willfully ignorant parents that refuse to vaccinate their kids. This is the same guy who quarantined the "Ebola nurse" as a government responsibility. With the 2016 caucuses just around the corner, the Iowa state chair of Vaccine Liberation said Christie’s remarks were helpful, because “Some people put faith and trust in their medical doctors, rather than put faith and trust in God.”

Glenn Beck claims that the Measles outbreak is a government hoax. OF COURSE IT IS! Conspiracy psycho Alex Jones of Infowars claims that vaccinations caused the Measles outbreak. America's Blowhard-in-Chief recently got a pants on fire award from PunditFact by blaming the immigrant children.

Wendy Callahan runs VaccineTruth blog says “They’re starting to get really upset with ‘anti-vaxxers’”. Well buckle up, Wendy because the Guano is flying now. New York mandates vaccinations and California is set to end most of the exemptions that parents use. Forbes science writer Peter Lipson writes that anti-vaxxer doctors should lose their license to practice. Adding steam to the anti-vaxxer backlash are doctors who are now dropping families who don't vaccinate. Dr. Eric Ball, who employs 12 pediatricians and 4 Nurse Practitioners in Huntington explained that parents "do not want to see patients with measles or whooping cough in our waiting room for fear their baby might get sick from it.” Kids are being barred from outings, birthday parties and school because of their anti-science, anti-vaxxer parents.

Recently, Bill Maher seemingly argued that when you get vaccines, your immune system stops reacting the way it should, and that can cause serious problems for a person’s body. That opinion shows a complete lack of understanding of how vaccines work. It appears that Maher might have read the children's book, MELANIE'S MARVELOUS MEASLES by Stephanie Messenger (2012), which really says don’t get vaccinated and just let your body’s natural immune system do all the work! And who can forget Robert Kennedy, Jr, who is the Buffoon-in-Chief of vaccine junkscience who spread the Andrew Wakefield Autism fraud. To learn why anti-vaxxers have no legal standing, read the SCOTUS holding on Jacobson v. Massachusetts. Also of note is that a federal appeals court just ruled New York state's requirement that all children be vaccinated in order to attend public school does not violate parents' religious right

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